All my singles out there, I know it can feel extra lonely once the Valentine season comes around, especially now during the pandemic. It seems like this loneliness and quarantine will never end. But we all need to remember what badas*es we all are! You may not have a partner now but that doesn’t mean you won’t ever have one. And even then, make sure to appreciate the people you do have in your life that care for you. To remind you that you are loved this Valentine’s day, here are 5 affirmations to remind you:
You are worthy of love and care.
If I open my heart up to love, I shall receive it.
I deserve to be respected and cared for by those around me.
If I treat others with love, I am bound to receive the same in return.
My love is infinite.
Try repeating and reminding yourself of these phrases and watch the positive energy enter your life. When you emit good energy out into the world, you will surely receive it back.