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Advice Of The Week: Your Boy Toy Thinks Your BFF Is Hot

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

Ladies, we’ve all been there before. We’ve walked into a room filled with our friends excited to show off our brand new man-toy when suddenly, you catch him staring at one of your girlfriend’s lovely lady lumps! How exactly are you supposed to handle a situation as touchy as this? You don’t want to make a huge deal out of it because that could backfire quickly — and you definitely don’t want to be that girl. But at the same time, you don’t want to put up with this sort of behavior!

Girlfriends may sometimes find themselves in competition with one another when it comes to guys. Remember, a guy is never worth a good friend. But we sometimes make the mistake of assuming the worst of our friends — and forget to actually address our man (you know that one with the wandering eye!). 

Keep in mind two things:

1. A woman is going to dress to impress. Your friends should look good! You are the company you keep and that only says more about you. Don’t knock your girlfriends for simply being attractive and don’t let it make YOU insecure about your looks. You may feel like one of your girlfriends looks better than you or has better “assets”, but your man is with you for a reason so spend a little less time being envious and a little more time playing up your strong points. 

2.  Unlike the ladies who know how to hide our buzzing radar at the sight of a hottie-patottie (take a look at, it’s pretty obvious when a guy’s checking someone else out. A man’s eyes will wander. So this is a normal part of life that women have a hard time understanding — since we’re so good at it ourselves! It may seem ridiculously disrespectful if we catch our men sneaking a peak,  but keep in mind there is always a chance that he didn’t even realize what he was doing! You chose your man for a reason and should have enough confidence in your relationship to not let these things affect you. If you don’t, that says a lot more about your judgement than your girl or man. If you have trust in your man you shouldn’t care if he takes in the eye-candy around him. Command the room you are in and I promise you his eyes will never leave you.

And as an added bonus — remember confidence IS key. Every woman has her strong points and her weak points. You may think it’s that extra belly roll or that huge zit on your forehead that’s holding you back, but it can really all be chalked up to your confidence. That is the one thing that permeates past all superficial realms. If you’ve ever wondered how that not-so-cute girl got that HUNK of a man, pay attention to how she carries herself and take notes. You need to know that you’re the hottest thing in the room so that everybody else knows it as well. Get that down and I promise you, you’ll never have to worry about your man’s eyes wandering in a room full of your besties, because all anybody will see is you. Now get out there and strut your stuff!


Image source: http://datingrelationship-advi…

On October 22, 1992 ... a star was born! Or something like that anyway. Regardless, I give great advice! Every girl-friend's personal (and unpaid) therapist, I am here to assist you in finding solutions your every day woes. I am a 20 year old senior at Rutgers and I have been through the ringer! But I use my own personal experiences (both good and bad) to advise the masses.
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