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How to Beat the Winter Blues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

I’m a self-proclaimed pro at beating the winter blues. In fact, winter is my favorite season. However,  I’ve realized that not many other people share my enthusiasm for gray skies, minimal sunlight, and winds that threaten to knock you over. If you’re one of these people, don’t worry, I’m here to help you find a bit more happiness this blustery season.

Good Things about Winter:

  • You’re not sweating! Nobody is sweating! Sweating at inappropriate times is a bit of a cornerstone in my life, but hey, at least it won’t be weather-related for this portion of the calendar year. Now you can save all of your sweating solely for uncomfortable situations. Phew thank goodness.
  • Hats. Scarves. Oversized sweaters. Blanket capes. All of these things are soft, warm, and physical sources of happiness. If you’re not currently adorning one of these things, you’re doing winter very, very wrong.
  • The sun sets earlier and rises later than it does during warmer months. This may seem like a negative point at first, but look on the bright side! Sunsets and sunrises become so much more accessible! You don’t have to be up at ungodly hours to catch glimpses of the sunrise, and with the sun setting in what feels like the middle of the afternoon, there’s a good chance the sky will turn really beautiful colors in the middle of your daily routine.

Those are just three of my favorite things about winter, but there are plenty more if you look for them. When I find myself starting to hate the cold, I force myself to take a second to stop and appreciate it. I remind myself that all weather, other than the terribly destructive type, is good weather. So the next time you’re scurrying to class with your hands shoved deep into your coat’s pockets and your face tucked into your scarf, slow down for just a second. Make yourself notice how clean the cold air smells, how perfectly white the snow is, and how bright the stars are on those really frigid nights.


Sophomore Linguistics major at Rutgers University. Probably currently eating oatmeal.
Born and raised in Northern New Jersey, Faith attends Rutgers University in New Brunswick, where she plans to major in Psychology and minor in Philosophy and Criminology.  Faith enjoys writing and traveling. She loves cats, books, and the color blue. In the future, Faith would like to attend law school.