Quarantine can be challenging both mentally and physically. Many people across the world are battling the restrictions of COVID-19. It is very important to keep our bodies active and minds engaged. Here are some of the tips to incorporate within our daily lives in order to stay active during quarantine.
- Make sure to allot at least 15 to 30 minutes to keep your body moving.
Although we are staying at home all day, we should still try to keep our bodies active. It is okay if you cannot hit the gym due to COVID, you can still try to workout at home using free youtube workouts.
- Keep your body moving by taking slow walks inside your house.
Make sure you are walking every once in 30 minutes. Not only are you burning some calories, you are also keeping yourself active.
- Fill your refrigerator with healthy fruits and vegetables.
Although we feel like staying at home most of the time, it is important to fuel your body with healthy food. Preparing your meals at home could be boring at times, especially if you’re repeating your recipes often. You could try new recipes and still make it healthy at the same time. This way you’re trying something new and keeping yourself healthy.
- Meditate to keep your mind free from negative thoughts.
Meditation has various benefits such as an increase in concentration and an improvement in memory and creativity. Find a quiet place without any distractions to meditate. You do not have to spend 30 minutes to meditate; you can use apps such as headspace and calm where they offer meditation sessions for even 5 minutes!
- Have a virtual call with friends.
Being in quarantine has restricted all of us from hanging out with our friends. However, you could still virtually hangout. You could even set up a zoom call to talk to your friends. Keeping in touch with friends can also help you become aware of how they are coping with quarantine and you could also refresh your mind by sharing about your lives.
- Reach out to a friend or a family member if you need any help.
Talking things out or any of the difficulties you’re facing to a person could benefit you with potentially overcoming your problem. They are always there for you! If that does not help, reach out to a mental health center or CAPS where they could further assist you.
Now that you have read through all the tips that you could follow to become more active during quarantine, you should also help others out when you know they are struggling in quarantine. Always remember, COVID has had a negative impact for people throughout the world, so please don’t think that you are alone. There is always hope for things to get better.