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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Rutgers chapter.

    It’s possible that you may have heard about the Law of Attraction, and since you’re reading this article, that means now is the time for you to immerse yourself in it. Some people find it challenging to wrap their head around, and “test” it to see if it’s real. You may fail at first since brain rewiring doesn’t occur instantaneously. Unfortunately, people who simply dismiss LOA will never receive the benefits of attracting anything they want or need to them. Since we are constantly attracting things into our life, it is important to notice the thoughts that are going on in your head on a daily basis. Our thoughts are constant, and can be influenced by music, social media, television, friends, advertisements…basically anything we lay our eyes on, and especially at certain times of day.

    Okay, so I’ll dive right in. We are composed of energy, right? Tiny little subatomic particles which are made up of atoms vibrating at an intensely fast speed to compose us, along with every other thing in existence. Your laptop, shoes, the trees, your cell phone…Everything is energy.  Different things hold different frequencies or energies/vibrations. Simply put, the law of attraction is ‘like attracts like.’ Energy attracts energy because it is simply the scientific law. Energy has no religion. It just exists at it is. Energy cannot be created or destroyed, and it is constantly being transposed into something in your physical world, following the manifestation of it, (whether you’re aware of it or not) in your mental world. We are energy. We are cosmic stardust created from some divine source. We are in control of the vibration we exist at. Fill yourself with love every day, because that it the strongest power in the Universe, and all can be accomplished with pure love.


    I am lucky enough to have experienced pure, eternal peace and love within myself and my connection to the Universe. Some grounding experiences that have allowed me to enter the trance-like state of eternal wellness of my being include yoga, meditation, ‘ohm’ chanting, reiki healing, energetic sound healing, herbal healing, ecstatic dance, and a combination of those things. I understand that all people practice different religions or no religion at all, and everyone feels their own belief system is the answer to all mysteries of life. The beauty of the law of attraction is that it is universal and it applies to every single religion or not, because it is all about energy, and the way you feel in praying towards your higher source, no matter what it is. Your beliefs become things, so to start incorporating LOA in your daily life, you must first start to monitor your thoughts and counter negative thoughts with positive ones. This is not an easy task, but with practice anything it possible. It is always important to counter bad thoughts because no matter what you’re trying to attract, the feelings you are projecting to the Universe must be of a high frequency to successfully attain anything you wish for.


    I was once quite religious, and became more spiritual along my journey of life. I have opened my mind and heart to various practices from numerous religions. I was introduced to the Law of Attraction my freshman year of college through a famous book called The Secret by Rhonda Byrnes, and it is not until now, my senior year of college that I successfully utilize this energetic skill on a daily basis. It takes a lot of practice. You cannot “trick” the Universe into believing you feel like you have something already. You must truly, deeply feel it. It is important when manifesting to thank your higher source for whatever you want as if you have it already, and the most vital part is to have that genuine emotion behind it. Manifestation is the creation of of life experiences or things in your physical reality. The goal is to practice conscious manifesting so you can be in control of the events, people, and opportunities or circumstances that enter your life (based on the vibration you are projecting). Once you start conscious manifesting, you will understand the kind of cosmic energy I’m talking about that is just right for accepting gifts from the Universe. In my opinion, the perfect mixture is having a strong belief that what I wish for will definitely occur in perfect timing as well as releasing all resistance and expectations to the outcome. Experiencing feelings of extreme desire projects a feeling of lack, and so this is what you will get more of. Unemployed and desperately searching? The Universe will continue to provide you with this desperation. Lacking a partner and sick for love? Accept what is, and be grateful for what you have. When you least expect it, your partner will appear. Sometimes, it seems like the best things randomly appear at the most unexpected times. Maybe it’s true love, a wonderful job, or a once in a lifetime opportunity. These things manifest themself into your life when you release resistance of ‘want’ and allow the Universe to do it’s magic. Sometimes, my quickest manifestations are when I forget about what I asked for – and then I remember when they appear!



    This takes time because it isn’t easy to feel like you have something you really want when it hasn’t actually happened yet in the physical realm. The Universe is not biased. It doesn’t respond to “don’t” or “not.” For example, take “I don’t want to be sick anymore.” In this statement, you are projecting a feeling of sickness, so that is what you will experience more of. Instead, you can use words of high frequency like, “Thank you ___ (in my case ‘Universe’) for my health. I am so healthy. I feel so great. Thank you for keeping me healthy. I wake up everyday feeling alive!”  If this is the first time you’ve heard of this, it might sound crazy. But it is so cosmically majestic and incredible, that it has the potential to change all lives, and I know it has changed mine SO MUCH! The phenomenon is based in quantum physics (yep, throwin’ some science at you.) When you have thoughts, especially repetitive thoughts, these beliefs will be created in the physical reality. Since roughly a large amount of our thoughts are the same as yesterday’s thoughts, we need to be sure that what we’re thinking is leading us to what we desire. We have the ability to attract anything we wish for, with the right mindset. I invite you by starting small. Imagine a lollipop – something insignificant and silly. Think about a visualize this lollipop from time to time, but without resistance. Just be casual about it. Allow the lollipop to flow in and out of your thoughts, and watch it manifest. This is good LOA practice and will help you get an understanding of the type of feelings you must project in order to get what you really want.


Side note: Take a listen to Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations podcast on Spotify and other platforms. Be a lover of life.

    In my first attempts of using subliminal messages – messages that enter our subconscious immediately and with no effort, I became interested in trying to change my eye color. So throughout some years of consistently listening to the same eye-color changing subliminal Youtube video, guess what – I changed my eye color. This did not happen overnight. It literally took years. I listened to it in my sleep, while I studied, during yoga, on car rides… It was relaxing, and I enjoyed it regardless if I got results. I decided I wanted green eyes. At first, I dwelled when I read about other people getting results and I wasn’t. I soon learned this is not how LOA works. So over time, I released the desire into the Universe, accepting that it would happen in divine timing. I stopped examining my eyes in the mirror. I forgot about it, and just enjoyed the music. I let go of any and all resistance. This is the key to manifesting. And all of a sudden, I started getting compliments on my ‘hazel eyes’. And I was stunned. I was able to find a picture of my eye from middle school, (top) and compare it to how my eyes look this semester in Feburary (bottom). This is my most solid proof of how thoughts become things, and this photograph is consistent with the law of attraction and how it bears visible results. My eyes have NOT been edited at all. Yes, these results are permanent and I plan on making them more green. Zoom in!

    Think about sound waves. Listening to delta waves support rejuvenating sleep, and many parents provide their infants with a white noise machine. A delta wave is a high amplitude brain wave with a frequency of oscillation .5-4 hertz. There are so many different frequencies available to aid in telepathy, the cleansing of mental blocks, manifesting diverse things (money, love, success, clarity), and more. The opportunities are endless. Subliminal sounds have personally helped me manifest many things. It’s important to have patience with them, no resistance, and to never give up. Listen until you see results. I promise you will. Remember, listening is not enough. You must take active measures to attain these goals, along with visualization, positive affirmations, and high energy.


    Many successful people recite daily positive affirmations, meditate daily, and regularly practice visualization exercises (closing a deal, cashing a check, intimate experiences, anything), because it works. It is a completely different lifestyle that requires a re-wiring of your brain, and it is an enticing skill to master. I follow many LOA coaches online that teach about their transitions in life from dirt poor to millionaires. Namely, Justin Perry, founder of YouAreCreators has been my mentor since I first discovered this magical life tool. His strategies and tools were life-changing and influential. He did this with hard work and faith. It’s not just about wishing things to be true. You have to take steps to achieve the goals you want. You want a lot of money? Wake up early every single day and put in the work. Take care of your body so you have a healthy and clear mind to work with while manifesting, as we are manifesting every second!   

    Take advantage of the opportunities life presents you with. It may be leading you to what you asked for. Don’t sit around and wait for ‘magic’ to get your life on track. Work hard at it. We are conditioned to focus on things we don’t want, and this is precisely the wrong thing to do. The more we worry and sit with anguish over something, the greater chance we are literally causing it to happen. If you haven’t realized it before, you are constantly attracting things, people, opportunities, money, or lack thereof, or grief into your own life. Ever hear of karma? Yea, it’s an energy exchange. What you put out MUST come back; it’s the universal law. So if you’re wondering why you’ve been dealt the card you’re dealing with, take a mindful moment to thoroughly examine the energetic vibration you live in your body with on a daily basis. You have the power to change it, and make your life better. You can change your vibe and attract better. You have the power to have a fulfilling, successful, and beautiful life. You can manifest all your desires. We don’t all want the same thing. That’s the beauty of the secret. There is enough abundance in the Universe to satisfy everyone. There is no need to be without. You are one with the Universe. You are deserving of love.


    I also want to touch on something very important in regards to the sponge-like qualities of your subconscious mind. The last hour before you go to sleep and the first hour you wake up is extremely important to your well-being of life. Do you sleep with your tv on? Stop it. Horrible messages are rapidly entering your subconscious, and one’s you can’t even monitor because you’re sleeping. Take the time at night and in the morning to reset your mind and stay off social media, and please avoid watching the news before bed. I say this because the majority of news includes depressing, violent, and saddening material. We want to avoid plastering that to our subconscious mind right before we start consolidating information during sleep. It’s so depressing! Start your day with beautiful messages and warm feelings that restore your faith in humanity. In the mornings try journaling, or enjoying the view outside with a cup of tea. Do some light stretching. Mentally recite what you’re grateful for. Drink some celery juice. Feel what it’s like to be in your body. When you walk around, feel your feet on the ground. You are so lucky. Ground yourself. This will not only make you feel like more of a person and happier, but it will also assist you in reaching the vibe necessary to manifest at a rapid pace. If possible, meditate 10 minutes before bed, and make some compassionate requests to the Universe you know will be fulfilled. Embrace the warmth of your bed, and engage in a body scan to relax every muscle in your beautiful body. Do some deep breathing and connect with your life source, your prana, your breath. Feel what it’s like to be alive. Many people don’t do this every day – or ever. Feel alive.


    I’m willing to share with you some anecdotal personal scenarios that I’m always picking up on, big or small, because it is part of my lifestyle to recognize what I am attracting.

  • One of the most recent experiences I had was having a dream that I completely went blind in my left eye (this is my weak eye in real life.) Upon waking up, I was scared and took this as a serious sign to be careful around my eye area the entire day. To my dismay, my glasses were lost and stolen that same day, and my vision was taken from me as my dream had predicted.
  • A trivial experience: I was watching Demi Lovato’s IG story during a break at research on a day that she had received multiple mugs in the mail, one mug caught my attention and I stared at it for an unusually long time. When I returned my key after research, the mug I was staring at on her stories happened to be the key holding mug. It was very specific and I never noticed this mug before. Was it always this mug?
  • This week, a friend mentioned a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card to me, and as I’ve trained myself to do, I unconsciously visualized a Dunkin’ gift card – not something I even wanted. Since my vibe towards it had zero resistance, I found a Dunkin’ Donuts gift card a couple of days later on the ground. It manifested quickly because the request went directly to the cosmos, and was delivered to me promptly.
  • You may have experienced things like thinking of someone random, and then they call, or getting a bad “vibe” from someone and them turning out to be a creep. Maybe it’s feeling danger, and avoiding a certain activity. Maybe you’re drawn to go speak to a stranger, and you’re not entirely sure why. Maybe there are a lot of coincidences in your life that simply happened because you attracted it, and not by chance.


    Since I consider myself to be very in tune with my intuition, I no longer fear when something eerie or unbelievable happens. I always trust my vibe of people, places, everything and anything. If you take anything out of this article, I invite you to start listening to your intuition. I believe your soul is able to learn different lessons through life experiences and allocate them in an organized manner, so as to prepare your body and mind for when something bad or even good may happen. My intuition has never failed me. So if I’m feeling weird or in danger, I leave and protect myself- even if it may be somewhere I consider safe. It doesn’t matter. My soul exists to protect me. Despite this article just scratching the surface on what the law of attraction actually is, it’s important to take this opportunity a new way of life. This is not a fad or a trend. It’s a lifestyle, and it is incredibly rewarding.


Some influencers you should consider following:

These are just off the top of my head, and they have contributed to my character greatly. There are SO many more! Good luck manifesting consciously. The Universe is inside of you!

Xo, Susie

Hi, I'm Susie! I have an undying passion for sharing my thoughts through words. I am an animal activist, yogi, singer, and tea drinker. My favorite things to write about are health and wellness, veganism, and self discovery.