At this point in the semester, everyday starts to feel the same. Especially with work piling up, it’s easy to feel trapped at school. For myself, routines definitely help organize my life, but it can get super boring doing the same thing day in and out. I’ve recently been trying to get out of this “routine” of waking up, doing schoolwork, and repeating it all the next day.
One of the ways I’ve been trying to switch things up a bit is by loading all of my work to a designated “busy day”. Having one super busy day full of schoolwork and focusing only on finishing assignments for the week is a great way that I’ve found to stay ahead. Usually once I complete one assignment I’m more inclined to work on the rest of them so that I can use my other days to do things that I enjoy.
Another good way to break a boring daily routine is to start with small changes. Trying to make small changes in your everyday routine can definitely lead to making bigger changes and feeling less trapped in your life. Making some small changes can help you realize other things in your life that you haven’t switched up in a long time, and you may not know why.
If you’ve been able to get a lot of schoolwork done, going somewhere new can be a great way to feel less trapped and stressed. Being at a small school there are definitely some ups and downs… one of those downs being that I see the same places and people everyday. Taking the time to go to a new store, or drive to a new park or beach is a great way to step out of your daily routine and possibly meet new people.
Remember that you GET to live the daily routine that you have. Although it gets boring living the same routine everyday while being a busy student, you get to have experiences that many people wish for. Trying to step out of your routine by following some of the steps above can help you appreciate the little things more and definitely make your day to day life seem less boring and repetitive.