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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RW chapter.

About four years ago, I found myself worrying about going off to college because it would mean leaving my family, friends, pets, and a sense of comfort behind. Though I was excited to be independent, I could not stop thinking about the unknown. Little did I know, I would grow and learn immensely, meet some amazing people who I am lucky to call my best friends, feel happier than I have ever been, visit my older sister constantly, meet new furry friends, try new foods that I never thought I’d like, and find comfort in another place I call home. 


With change comes the unknown, which is why we tend to worry that we will not be able to anticipate what happens to us due to changes in our environment, relationships, career path, etc. I know how hard it is to push yourself to go through changes that take you out of your comfort zone. Throughout my college experience, I can confidently say that both good and bad change is needed for us to grow, learn and experience.


I have put together some advice I’ve learned along the way that I wish I knew before going off to college, hoping it can help those who are in a similar situation. 


1. Be Open To Try New Things


  • Take this change as an opportunity to start fresh. 


2. You Learn A Lot Outside of Your Comfort Zone


  • Sticking with comfort can feel like the best option, but I realized I learn, grow, and have the best experiences when I am uncomfortable. 


3. Change is inevitable


  • Throughout your life, you will experience countless times where you were faced with change. Understand that everything in life happens for a reason and this moment of change will help you grow.


4. It Might Hurt, But Not For Long 


  • Change can be hard and it can feel everlasting. The good news is that what you are going through is only temporary. 


5. You Are Not Alone


  • No person experiences life the same, but there can be people who are going through the same changes as you. 


A couple months from now, I will be in the same position as I was four years ago. I will graduate from Roger Williams University, step into the real world, start a full-time job, say goodbye to my best friends I have lived with for four years, and start the new chapter of my life. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous, but I am definitely more comfortable knowing that change has made me proud of who I am today. 




Hello! My name is Stephanie and I am a senior at RWU. I am a marketing enthusiast and a dog lover.
Hi, I'm Jessie, the Campus Coordinator and Founder of Her Campus at Roger Williams University! I am a senior majoring in Communication and Media Studies and minoring in Marketing and Graphic Design. When not in school, I love to work out, shop, listen to music and spend time with my friends!