So who else is single? I am. I’m 19 years old and I have never once dated a boy nor ever kissed anybody. I mean I’d love to experience dating and loving someone, but I’m in no rush to find a partner! I believe things will work out in time and I’ll eventually find someone meant for me.
That being said, a lot of single individuals have a love-hate relationship with Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is such a cute, lovely holiday regardless of your relationship status. I still celebrate with myself, because why not? However, others may not feel the way I do and this is where National Singles Day comes in. National Singles Day is actually celebrated on Sept. 22nd in the U.S., but many celebrate it the day after Valentine’s day (Feb. 15th) because singles often feel left out of the love and appreciation. Those who are single can celebrate and practice many things on this special day!
Here are 5 ways you can celebrate being single on National Singles Day!
Photo by Veerasantinithi from Pixabay
Loving yourself means taking care of yourself. Take a break once in a while by seeing people you love that you know can uplift your spirits. Try getting a massage if your muscles have been aching from all the hard work and pressure you put on yourself. Kick back and relax with your favorite show and slab a face mask on. Whatever you feel like doing to bring yourself peace of mind, do it! You deserve it! You are only human, appreciate your effort and what you have done so far!
Indulge in Your Favorite Foods
Photo by Zuzana Gazdikova from Pixabay
I don’t know if anyone else can relate to this, but I’ve always restricted my intake of food because I’m always afraid of gaining too much weight. For this occasion, just eat! Eat whatever you want and don’t even think or worry about your weight, how you look, or anything negative. Don’t count calories. Don’t criticize your outer beauty. If you want that cupcake, eat it. If you want to eat salads because you love them, do it! It is always your choice, and who doesn’t love a little chocolate every once in a while? Celebrate your singleness by treating yourself!
Let Yourself Feel Vulnerable
Photo by StockSnap from Pixabay
Over time, we tend to keep ourselves guarded against being hurt, judged, or criticized. This is not the only day we can be vulnerable, but it’s a perfect time to reflect on how well we’ve been taking care of ourselves mentally. Let yourself feel the emotions that you’ve been suppressing for a long time, and maybe connect with other people about how you’re feeling on certain things. This doesn’t have to be all related to love and romance, it could be about any aspect of your life. Reflecting on your mental state is a great step in the right direction to not just embracing singleness, but just improving yourself in general!
Have a Hang Out Day
Photo by StockSnap from Pixabay
Life’s no fun without your pals, am I right? Plan the day with your best friends and just chill out. Regardless if it’s an all girl’s day or with your guy friends, it’s so much more comfortable, welcoming and fun to have people you love and care about by your side.
Do Something Fun!
Photo by Crgutman from Pixabay
Do something you love to do that makes you happy, or take a leap of faith and try something you’ve never done before! Maybe try going on a road trip, attend a parade, visit a museum or watch a new movie. Maybe even explore a new hobby. You never know how much you enjoy something until you try it! After all, National Singles Day is focused on self-love and self-care.