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14 Reasons Why SHU Loves Darty Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Before entering college, all we knew about the college lifestyle was from what we saw in movies. Every preconceived notion about college was based off of the parties, Greek Life, and lack of academics that every movie for our age group advertised. Though college may be a thousand times more stressful than the movies portrayed (thanks a lot Animal House), once spring rolls around on SHU’s campus college life starts to resemble some of what we see in the movies: music and sports being played throughout campus, studying on the quad, and the ever-so-popular darty. Here are some reasons why SHU loves darty season: 

1. A darty is always an excuse to put off studying. Always.

Everyone needs some freedom sometimes, right? 

2. It’s also a great excuse to buy new rompers and sundresses.

Your wardrobe will thank you later…even though your wallet might not. 

3. Themed darties make for great instagrams/captions.

Let’s be real, all darty moments are instagrammable moments. 

4. And with that being said, any instagram taken at a darty is without a doubt going to get more likes.

There is no greater #excitement. 

5. It’s a proven fact that everyone looks better in natural lighting.

…Everyone looks better with tinted sunglasses, too. 

6. Bonus points if the darty is held on the beach.

Who doesn’t love the beach? People who don’t go to darties on the beach, that’s who.

7. Doing your hair or makeup for a darty as if you’re ready for a night out is frowned upon.

Cutting prep time in half. God Bless you, darties. 

8. Maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll see the start of a tan. 

Or you’ll be unrecognizably burned…cue the lobster jokes.

9. A darty is a great alternative to your normal routine on Saturday: Sleep, Netflix, Eat, and Repeat. 

Either way, Saturday is the best day of the week. 

10. You’ll mingle and make a ton of new friends because sticking in your “comfort zone” doesn’t exist at a darty.

You’ll probably even get very, very far out of your comfort zone. 

11. Everyone’s favorite part of going out is usually the pregame, so there’s no question as to why we love darties when they are basically just day-long pregames.

The nicer the weather, the better the pregame.

12. Darty music is the best kind of music. 

No judgment on the awkward dancing that follows. You may even be known as the new Taylor Swift. 

13. The after-darty nap is almost (always) better than the darty itself. 

Sometimes you won’t make it to your bed, and that’s okay (and expected).  

14. With the perfect combination of sun, day drinking, and friends, I dare you to find one unhappy darty-goer.

Never trust someone who could be unhappy at a darty. 


Happy darty season, SHU! 

The official contributor profile for the Her Campus chapter at Sacred Heart.