1. Journal
Journaling is a creative outlet to relieve stress, built up emotions, or simply let your thoughts out regardless if they are negative or positive. Journaling can be so freeing when you dive deep into your mind and write about the things bothering you in your life. It is best for self reflection and self thought. A journal is a safe space where you can talk about anything you want with no judgment or guilt. Journaling can also help you to resolve problems within yourself, you might find as you write about what is bothering you, the solution will come to you. The more you think about the issue and identify your feelings and why you are feeling a certain way, you will realize how to fix it.    Journaling also helps you log memories that you were experiencing at a certain time in your life. You can look back five years from now and say, “I remember when I was feeling that and what I learned from that time in my life”. Or you can write about all the fun times you had with your friends in college and look back and smile. https://www.michaels.com/small-magic-hour-watercolor-notebooks-by-recollections%E2%84%A2/10538343.html#pmpt=qualifying&sz=24&start=48 Â
2. MeditateÂ
Meditation has been proven to clear the mind, boost energy, and even improve medical symptoms like headaches and migraines. If you are having a particularly hard week, stressed out, or exhausted then try meditation. Find a quiet, relaxing, safe space and take deep breaths in and out to the count of ten and consciously try to clear your mind and relax your muscles starting from the top of your head, work your way down your body, and end with your toes. Sit in a comfortable position and repeat the process until you feel better. There are plenty of songs, podcasts, and recorded nature noises on the calm app, available in the app store, and on desktop. https://www.calm.com/Â
3. Use crystalsÂ
Try meditating with certain crystals to give you insight, intuition, and a clear mind depending on what you need in your life. Use Chrysocolla for a fresh start, the crystal is said to calm emotions so you can heal and move on from the past. The stone represents the healing and free-flowing energy of water, so use it to create a charged crystal drink. Set a bottle of water near the window and place the stone on top of the water bottle. Leave it overnight during a full moon and drink the water the next day. You will feel relaxed, have a clear mind, and ready to move onto the next chapter in your life. https://www.facebook.com/642709969075906/posts/2591686347511582?sfns=moÂ
4. YogaÂ
Yoga has so many health benefits, physically and mentally. Yoga stretches muscles that normally would not have a lot of blood flow or stimulation during the average school or work day. Yoga also helps sore muscles to recover more quickly and can help prevent blood clots or cramps. Many athletes do yoga after an intense workout to stretch the body, and increase blood flow to areas that need it, and lower the blood pressure. Yoga can positively affect mental health as well, by making the body and mind relax and meditate. Yoga is a healthy activity to do because it can force one to reflect, relax, and become present in the moment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X3-gKPNyrTAÂ
5. Try holistic medicineÂ
Holistic medicine is very helpful to those with autoimmune diseases, chronic headaches and migraines and recovering cancer patients. Some great types of holistic medicines are acupuncture, massage therapy, cupping, singing bowls, aromatherapy, chiropractic care, exercise, and meditation. Holistic medicine looks at the whole body and tries to heal the body, mind, and spirit. In holistic medicine the main aspects focus on blood flow, pressure points, meditation, and relaxation. If you are stressed, emotionally upset, or experiencing any physical ailments like headaches, back and neck pain, muscle cramps, etc, try holistic medicine, it will definitely help you recover and become more self aware and relaxed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OW7TH2U4hpsÂ