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7 Things We Learned From Mean Girls

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

We all know and love this movie. Even the guys could probably pull some hilarious quotes out of their butts from this gem. Plus, who doesn’t love Lindsay Lohan pre-rehab, jail, and mental freakouts? I thought this was one ginger who was going to the top. Rachel McAdams (aka the romance movie queen) and Amanda Seyfried (hello Dear John???) are a great comedic combo as well. However, this movie did more than just make us laugh until we felt like we actually did an ab workout; Mean Girls taught all of us some very valuable lessons about life.

  1. The True Purpose of Halloween

We all know that choosing your costume for Halloween could make or break your night. This movie simplified it for us ladies. Simply throw on some sexy lingerie and animal ears and you have a costume perfect for all Halloween festivities. If you do take the idea of dressing scary seriously, you will probably be ostracized. But hey, do you!

  1. The Best Comeback Lines

When a friend cancels on you all you have to do is say, “Boo you whore!” Or if you are embarrassed by your friend for making a fool of herself, a simple “she doesn’t even go here!” says it all. Need I say more?


  1. The Different Ways to Hate on Your Body

Poor Cady thought there could only be skinny or fat. Oh no honey, we have so many reasons why we don’t like ourselves. It’s stupid, but it’s a weakness all girls have. We think our legs are fat, our tummies are bloated, our teeth are crooked, or some other stupid reason not to love your body. So what if you have “man shoulders”? Rock ‘em girl! If we loved ourselves, we would never feel the need to make a burn book.


  1. Fetch Will Never Happen

We all have that one friend that tries to make something cool. A new word, a new style, a phrase she wants to drop at all possible times. Sorry honey, it’s not gonna happen.

  1. The “Fun Mom” is Just Too Much

If Amy Poehler was my mom I would probably die of laughter, but the mom who tries to be besties with her daughter is too much to handle. No mom, I don’t need condoms, cocktails, and hugs from your rock solid boob job 24/7. Just be a mom you creeper! There are always those dance moms who think they can live vicariously through their daughters. You had your time to shine, now sit there and be a mother.


  1.  Never Break Girl Code

Girls live and die by their rules. Ponytails once a week, hoops are Regina’s thing, don’t hook up with your friend’s ex, etc. We all know it is Hell on Earth when one girl breaks the code. Just avoid it so Gretchen doesn’t snap anymore. And you better not wear sweatpants unless it’s Friday.

  1. What to Wear on Wednesdays

PINK! You all know what I’m saying.

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McKenna Wiegand

Sacred Heart

Taylor Lane is a senior in the Sacred Heart University school of education. She majors in English and is a section editor for the school newspaper, Spectrum. She is a captain on the Division I Softball team. Taylor aspires to be a special education teacher and spends her free time volunteering in programs for people with special needs.