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Finding Your Crown with My Secret

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

What if I told you there’s a simple, free way to be more productive, confident, happy, and even more successful? Sounds too good to be true, right? But here’s the magic—being kind to yourself costs absolutely nothing, and it’s the easiest way to supercharge your days and reach your goals!

The secret? Your thoughts are everything! They shape how you feel and directly influence the reality you experience. So, if you’re constantly stressing about debt, bills, or running out of time, that negative energy just keeps building. Bills pile up, stress grows, and it feels like things are spiraling out of control. But here’s the game-changer: Your thoughts create your future! When you switch your mindset, you can change the game. Instead of dwelling on what you don’t want (hello, debt!), start focusing on all the amazing opportunities you have to make money and grow. It’s not about ignoring problems, it’s about switching up how you look at them. Once you shift your perspective, you’ll start seeing chances for success everywhere!

Now, let’s talk about something cool—the frequency of your thoughts. This is where the law of attraction kicks in! It’s not just about turning one negative thought into a positive; it’s about tuning into a higher vibe. The law of attraction works like this: like attracts like. So, if you focus on the positive and what you want, you’ll start attracting those very things into your life. Your thoughts, energy, and focus bring in the experiences that match your vibe.

If you’re stuck in a loop of negativity, you’re going to keep attracting more of it. But, when you flip the script and focus on what you want with excitement and positivity, you’ll notice a shift—progress, opportunities, and success start flowing in. It’s not magic, it’s just energy at work!

You might know this concept as manifesting, and whether you call it that or the law of attraction, the point is this: you have the power to create the life of your dreams through your thoughts! When you approach your goals with energy, passion, and a little bit of belief, you’ll start to see those dreams come to life. It may take persistence and dedication, but don’t worry—you’ve got this!

Here’s the thing: the law of attraction goes both ways. If you keep asking, “Why do I keep attracting bad stuff?” guess what? You’re just going to keep attracting more of it! But, if you change that question to something like, “What amazing opportunities are waiting for me?” get ready for the magic to happen. Energy follows your thoughts—so why not make them work for you?

Use your thoughts as your superpower! Focus on the positive, think big, and let the universe catch up with your vibe. You’ve probably heard the saying, “What’s meant for me will find me.” Now you can see that what’s meant for you is drawn to the energy you put out. So, keep your thoughts focused on the good stuff, and watch how everything starts to line up!

Remember, by changing the way you think, you get to take control of your life. Start tuning into a positive frequency, and soon you’ll unlock your potential and draw in all the success you deserve.

Stay focused, think positive, and let your thoughts create the life you’ve always dreamed of! 

Now start thinking that every thought today is creating your future. Once you master the thoughts and feelings of your mind, you will see the master plan and how it all makes sense. You will soon become a deliberate creator of your life. Seeing and using the law of attraction will change your life and give you the power to create your ideal future. Start having fun with this in your everyday life. Start focusing on your thoughts, when looking for a parking space in a busy lot, picture the spot you want open. Focus hard and speak into existence it will be open. You may find yourself surprised … 

Use these steps to wear your crown high and start creating your future

  1. Ask: Let the universe know what it is that you want and simply say it, put it in the air
  2. Believe: Believe that this is yours, Believe in the unseen
  3. Receive: Feel the way you feel when whatever it is you want arrives, when you feel good you are putting yourself in the frequency of what you want 

Finally, I want you to remember:

Anyone who ever accomplished anything did not know how they were gonna do it, they only knew they were going to do it.

If you find yourself even more interested in this concept I highly recommend the documentary “The Secret” directed by Drew Heriot” which you can find on YouTube.

Honora Saccu

Sacred Heart '26

Hey I'm Honora Saccu, I love inspiring people to better themselves everyday! You can achieve anything if not more than what you see other people achieving.