An article on the importance of building your brain 
Ever since I could remember, the phrase “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” was embedded in my brain. The statement “Finish your veggies” at the dinner table was always a constant theme, as I’m sure it was for a lot of readers. But it wasn’t until my later teenage years that I realized fruits and veggies are not the only thing that will keep you healthy. Sure, eating well and maintaining nutritious habits are important, but what’s more important is your brain, which funny enough, is also part of your body.
As a frequent Tiktok scroller, the trend of bodybuilding and/or “fitness era” is always on my “For You” Page. I constantly see videos on how to change your body in 6 weeks, or how Pilates will give you an hourglass figure. But truth be told, building your dream body starts with your brain.
I am no fitness guru, nor have I reached my ideal body goals, but I think I have enough knowledge as a 20-year-old girl to remind you that fitness is one thing, and health is another.
People often associate health with being in the gym 5 times a week and drinking green smoothies, and honestly, I’m kind of tired of it! I’m tired of it because it’s become more of a trend to be healthy when it should be a way of living both mentally and physically. Aside from the greens and protein powders, I think it’s important to remind ourselves that taking care of our minds is a part of bodybuilding. It may not require us to be in the gym 24/7, but it is definitely a muscle worth training.
I’m not going to ramble and spill inspirational quotes at you because quite frankly, we’ve heard it all. But, I will leave you with a reminder to take care of your mind just as much as your physical body. Sometimes, especially as a college-aged girl, the idea of taking care of yourself can be overwhelming; But I just wanted to remind you to be gentle with yourselves and build your body with your brain in mind.