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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.

Midterm season is upon us. The month of October brings cold winds, stress, and countless exams. It can be hard to stay motivated in your studies, but one thing that almost every student can relate to is that music is a big destressor. Crafting a perfect fall playlist is key to getting through stressful times.

One singer that is all over my playlist is Phoebe Bridgers. Her songs like “Moon Song,” “Kyoto,” and “Motion Sickness” are perfect for a gloomy fall day. Another popular artist for any time of the year is of course Mr. Harry Edward Styles. His newest album “Harry’s House” has so many good songs to take you through a rollercoaster of emotions. From more upbeat songs like “Late Night Talking” and “Daylight” to sadder songs like “Cinema” and “Boyfriends;” whatever you need to get you through a stressful time.

Another artist that will definitely hit the nostalgia factor is Billy Joel. Some of his popular songs like “Vienna” and “She’s Got a Way” are great to remind you to slow down and appreciate the small things around you. I can’t talk about the perfect fall playlist without mentioning Taylor Swift. “Folklore” and “Evermore” are perfect albums for this time of year. “Cardigan,” “Mirrorball,” and “Willow” hit different when the leaves are changing. With the release of her new album “Midnights” plus the bonus tracks, there are so many great songs to choose from to help you cope.

There are so many other artists and songs that are perfect for this time of year. Remember to prioritize your mental health and take some good music breaks or utilize music to keep you motivated.

katerina kyrou

Sacred Heart '26

hi i'm katerina :) I'm a nursing major at SHU. Some other things I am involved in is the multicultural club, SNA, relay for life, and the running club. I love to write, and especially to express myself creatively.