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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Sacred Heart chapter.


Not the words slapped on a page for an assignment,

Not the lyrics heard from a song,

But words driven by emotions,

Captivating your feelings,

Expressing your inner desires,

Self therapy.

Nowadays, when we think of poetry, we dread the upcoming lectures given by our professors regarding an assignment we have no interest in. I’m here to tell you that poetry is so much more than that. Poetry can be used like journaling, basically writing down your thoughts in verse. Whether you find yourself in a deep hole of despair or you feel you’re on top of the world, poetry can aid in your ability to understand your feelings and eventually yourself.

Are you mad? Write.

Angry? Write.

Sad? Write.

Ecstatic? Write.

Surprised? Write!!!!

Already throughout the course of this article one could say that I already wrote two poems. Poetry doesn’t have to feel like writing poetry, it just is.

It’s expressions,

It’s ideas,

It’s feelings,

But ultimately,

An escape.

The world we live in, with the pressures of education, careers, appearance, income, etc., we all need to get away from it, regardless of how well in life we are doing. Your getaway can be as easy as picking up a pencil or your phone and just simply writing whatever the hell comes to mind, and I urge you to do so.

Lexi Pinzon

Sacred Heart '22

HI I'm Lexi! I am an English major minoring in Human Rights and Social Justice. I am an aspiring attorney who is passionate about social justice and equality. I love to write and hopefully the topics I divulge into, spanning from curly hair discussions to discrimination in our society, enlighten my readers.
Sacred Heart student from Mass, sharing my thoughts and interests with others on Her Campus :)