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The 7 Struggles of Living Off Campus That No One Tells You About

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Although LeMans Hall will always have a special place in my heart, living off campus is the best. Gone are the days of dining hall grilled chicken, parking tickets for leaving your car on the library side  too long, and no air conditioning. But new living arrangements means dealing with a lot of new changes. And sometimes living off-campus pretending to be a real adult brings a lot of emotional turmoil. Like when you’re…


Looking at the receipt of your first grocery haul from Martin’s.


Coming home from a day of class craving a home-cooked meal, but then remembering you have to cook it yourself.


Catching a red light on your drive into campus

Where’s that two minute walk to class when ya need it?


Realizing you can no longer pay for Jimmy John’s with your munch money.


Doing dishes. Like all of the time.


Having to clean anything, really.


And worst of all, getting ready and not having your whole hall’s closet to look through.

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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

I think in Instagram captions.