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Agendas and Spes Unica

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.
While most people cringe at even the thought of “Back-to-School” sales, I rejoice. If there is one thing I could spend an entire day doing, it is wandering the aisles of Staples looking at overpriced Post-Its, Sharpies, and stationary, and then arriving back home with a haul of colorful school supplies. Although searching for the perfect highlighter may seem mundane, I delight in hoarding a rainbow of them in my desk drawer. As someone who is constantly organizing my life, the one school supply I look forward to buying above all else is an agenda. Few things give me a bigger thrill of excitement than turning over that first clean and crisp page. As long as I had my agenda, I was free from chaos and free from the unknown. 
The beginning of my senior year in highschool I had my college plans perfectly mapped out, I was being offered a scholarship deal I couldn’t refuse by a local university, but that sent my dream school out of the picture. I spent six months torturing myself by trying to fall in love with the logically correct choice, but one my heart didn’t want. But when I finally felt my Saint Mary’s acceptance letter in my hands, my fingers tracing the silver emblemed lettering “Spes Unica”,  I knew there was no other place I could be.
My first college planner recently arrived in the mail a few weeks ago. If you had told me a year ago that I would be taking that agenda to Saint Mary’s, I would not have believed you. If my senior year taught me anything, it’s that I will not always be able to completely plan for what path life will lead me down, no matter how many agendas I buy. Even so, I will turn to the first page when I arrive to campus and will feel that usual surge of anticipation, accompanied this time with the hope and fear of the unknown possibilities to come. 

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E-mail hannahdrinkall@hercampus.com or thereseburke@hercampus.com for inquiries!


A senior at Saint Mary's College in Notre Dame, IN studying Theatre, Film, and English. An avid lover of indie films, thrift stores, and color coding. Trying to do it all, sometimes succeeding. 
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's