Three years ago, I was a senior in High School eagerly looking up college profiles. It is unavoidable to type in Saint Mary’s and not be taken into a gazillion Saint Mary’s campuses links. From abbreviated names, St. Mary’s, to Saint Mary’s, to what was bound to be my campus, Saint Mary’s College, there were a lot to choose from.
I stumbled upon SMC while doing a college search online. I typed in Saint Mary’s, thinking I would be taken to the Saint Mary’s in California, but I accidently clicked on the Notre Dame, Indiana campus and was captured by its all woman’s character.
This disbelief was actually the first glimpse of curiosity, the driving force that propelled me to commit to a life-time of sisterhood. I was drawn the more I found out about Saint Mary’s College. So, I decided to just do it: to board a plane and fly over to my home away from home! I felt a strong sense of community. Having come from a public co-ed school, the all-girls atmosphere was really special. LeMans was my castle and my friends I made inside were all princesses.
My friends from my home town ask, “an all-girls school?!” but my eyes still spark at the sound of Saint Mary’s. My school doesn’t just produce successful women, it fosters a sisterhood.
I had always admired the upper classmen, especially because they gave us advice on how to best navigate the social scene at Notre Dame. This year I am an upperclassmen. I look back on my decision and am so glad I chose to come to SMC. It truly does take a very unique type of girl to attend an-all woman’s college. . It takes a strong, motivated, compassionate, loving, and overall, beautiful girl to come to Saint Mary’s College and I am so glad I am one.