Imagine your days at Saint Mary’s College…think about all the things you loved. The things that made this your home away from home during the most challenging, rewarding, and transformative years of your life. The things that make you proud to wear your ring every day. The things that fill your heart with joy when you say “I went to Saint Mary’s” or “I’m at Saint Mary’s.”
I know, I know, the list goes on forever. There’s just too much that makes this place so special. But, for me…
It’s the hours spent at Sunday morning brunch, recounting stories from Saturday night, and the stories only getting funnier the longer you sit at the table. It’s the smell of LeMans Hall that welcomes you home after a weekend away. It’s midnight breakfast during finals week. It’s turning down The Avenue for the first time every fall. It’s the first snowfall, when you’re actually optimistic about a South Bend Winter. It’s the text messages you get on nugget day. Its the megabed you and your roommate(s) make at the end of every year. It’s a semester abroad with all your best friends. It’s a walk around the lakes with your girlfriends, venting about everything under the sun or planning out every detail of your someday wedding, home, and family. It’s a group chat that drains your phone battery before lunch. It’s having a professor who knows your name by the end of syllabus week. It’s having your go-to cab driver, who doesn’t mind taking you through a Taco Bell / McDonald’s/ Steak n Shake drive thru. It’s the first football game of the year, and leaving after halftime to go to Legend’s. It’s getting over being poop-shy with your roommates freshmen year (sorry…but it happens to everyone). It’s chicken tenders from Cyber. It’s when the trees finally bloom in the spring. It’s oldies music on the dance floor. It’s study sessions in the library. It’s a kind ‘stranger’ swiping you in to get upstairs because you forgot your ID (again). It’s getting a package at the front desk. It’s forming those lifelong friendships that you’re convinced can only be found at Saint Mary’s. It’s home…
Now imagine your little neighbor who idolizes you. Your daughters. Your friends’ daughters. Your nieces. Your granddaughters. Your family friends. Your cousins… Don’t you want them to have the same thing? To get butterflies in their stomach and tears in their eyes when they read their acceptance letters? To call Saint Mary’s home? To make the same memories you acquired here?
We can do all that and more through #BellesGiveBack. On Thursday, April 23 Saint Mary’s is hosting a 24-hour donor challenge. If three thousand students, faculty, parents, alumnae, and friends donate to SMC, two generous donors will give an additional $175,000 to Saint Mary’s. This money will help keep Saint Mary’s all that it is, and improve it for generations to come.
Put your love for Saint Mary’s to good use and donate donate donate!! If you can give $3 to Vesuvios…you can give it to SMC! Visit this link for more information.