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Campus Cutie: Erin Jabrocki

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Meet the energetic Erin Jabrocki, a freshman at Saint Mary’s and all-around wonderful individual.  She lives on the top floor of McCandless, where she makes everyone around her happy by calling them “baby” and smiling like it’s always Christmas. 

If you’ve never met Erin, you are missing out!  So here’s a glimpse of what she’s all about.

Major: “Undeclared,” in other words, “who knows” with a concentration in “I have no idea”.

Three words to describe yourself: Entertaining, awkward, and sometimes I wear sombreros.

Dream travel destination: Spending a year in Europe.

Dream place to live: A big beautiful house on the lake.

Favorite memory of college so far: Too many great memories! She’s met so many wonderful girls who have made Saint Mary’s a fantastic new home.

Favorite spot on campus: Good ol’ “512,” as she calls her beloved single in McCandless, where she spends lots of her time sleeping.

But don’t worry, when she’s had enough sleep, she’s the life of the party! If you see her around campus, say hello and she’ll be sure to smile and make your day!


Photos provided by the author

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Michelle Casado

Saint Mary's

Sophomore at Saint Mary's College. "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." - Coco Chanel