Name: Lizzy Juarez
Year: Senior
Major: Psychology
Music. I play the flute, clarinet, and piano.
What’s your favorite part of being a Belle?
The environment. The campus is already so beautiful, the fact that almost everyone is friendly and willing to help just adds that much more to the beauty of Saint Mary’s.
What’s the name of your future autobiography?
For the Love of Nerds (with the cover being a picture of the candy)
If you could travel to any country in the world, where would you go and why?
México. It’s a very different environment and I would like to know more about my heritage.
What’s your favorite quote and why?
I love quotes, I have so many favorites. They tend to explain life situations in a way that is sweet, short, and perfectly worded. Some of my favorites that I find myself using often: “curiosity killed the cat,” “be careful what you wish for,” “normal is an illusion, what is normal to a spider is chaos to a fly,” and “every one you encounter will know something you don’t know” I love to remember that life on this planet is so much bigger than me; I will never know everything and that is ok, sometimes it’s better that way.
If you could solve one problem in the world, what would it be?
Poverty without hope. Some can live happily with only a few materialistic things but there are some that don’t know where their next meal is coming from, some that don’t have any support whatsoever. I just wish everyone could have hope or the opportunity to reach hope.
If you could only read one book (or listen to one song) for the rest of your life, what would it be?
The book of life and the song of my heart. I don’t think I could really restrict myself in either. Reading is advancement in knowledge. And music for me is especially important, songs say the words and express the feelings I am sometimes too scared to face alone. I change my favorite songs like I change clothes and when I add a new song to my playlist most of the time it is a song that has a very strong tie to my personal life. To me music is communication of the soul, and I can’t just stop my soul from communicating.
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