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A Dog Is A Girl’s Best Friend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

I still can remember the day like it was yesterday. I was in fifth grade, and I had been begging my mom for weeks to go to the local animal shelter, P.A.W.S, to look at dogs. I honestly am not sure why I wanted to go look in the first place because I was never a fan of dogs, but for some reason I desperately thought I needed one. During the car ride to P.A.W.S, my mom made it very clear that we would not be adopting a dog that day. My dad did not want a dog, and my mom said she could not bring one home behind his back. Of course, the moment we walked into the shelter, my mom and I found a dog we instantly fell in love with. We called my dad, and he reluctantly agreed to the adoption. We were now proud owners of a three-year-old beagle, which we decided to name Chibi. The Caracciolo household would forever be changed.



Chibi gave the Caracciolo family a new appreciation for dogs, and she quickly became everyone’s favorite. She knew how to put a smile on anyone’s face, even my dad. Before Chibi, my dad despised dogs and now he is one of the biggest dog lovers I know. She truly made everyone in my family a little happier.



When Chibi was eight years old, she was diagnosed with cancer. In order to save her life, my family believed the best thing to do was amputate her leg. Even with three legs, Chibi was the cutest dog on the block. She still was able to do everything she loved, which included going on walks, smelling around the backyard, and stealing people’s food from the kitchen table. She was now cancer free and was able to continue living life as a healthy, happy dog.



On November 4th, I got a call from my mom I was not expecting. After years of being cancer free, the cancer had returned. My mom told me that Chibi did not have much longer because the cancer was rapidly spreading. As soon as my mom told me this, tears started to run down my face. I could not believe what I was hearing. I rushed home the following day to spend the weekend with her. I knew it was going to be the last time I saw Chibi.







Today, November 9th, we officially said goodbye to Chibi. Whether cancer is affecting a person or an animal, it is a terrible illness. Even though she is gone now, Chibi will always hold a special place in my heart. I know that she is now running around pain free in doggie-heaven.


Lauren is happily living life as a Communication Studies Major at Saint Mary's College. When not writing for Her Campus or studying for classes, she can be found binge watching reality TV or obsessing over Notre Dame Football.
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Claire Condon

Saint Mary's

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