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Double The Dree, Double The Fun!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

Double the Dree, Double the Fun!

                  When going into your first year in college, you meet anyone and everyone on campus, especially those with similar names.  At Saint Mary’s, you run into the “Katelyn, Kaitlyn, Caitlyn, etc.” girls, multiple Colleen’s, various versions of Mary’s with different middle/second names, and more.  Would you ever think that you would meet one Andrée, let alone two?!  Without further ado, here’s your double dose of the Andrée’s:  Andrée Wilson-Nixa and Andrée Louvierre.

Alright, ladies, so how did you first meet?

AWN:  I messaged Andrée Louvierre on Facebook, letting her know that there was another Andrée [me] coming to Saint Mary’s and that I couldn’t believe that there was another Andrée going here since it’s a rare name!

AL:  Yeah, and I honestly thought it was fake because the only “Andrée” that I had ever encountered were always men!  When my friend from South Bend was telling me about her [AWN], I thought the profile was completely fake.  There was no way that there was another Andrée here intending on being a nursing major, whose mom works in Campus Ministry, living in Holy Cross Hall, and had her sister’s name spelt the same as my sister’s—too much of a coincidence!

AWN:  I thought it was hilarious how similar we were, but at the same time it was somewhat freaky!  We didn’t officially meet face-to-face until we both went on the first year retreat though.


What made you both develop the friendship that you have today?

AWN:  We both studied abroad in Rome during the fall semester of our sophomore year [2013].  We started hanging around each other a lot more often, whether it was a few classes, traveling to different places in Europe, or exploring the city.

AL:  We depended on each other quite a bit, but it was an absolute blast!  We became such great friends, and I was blessed to have her in my life at that time.

AWN:  Yes, and we even came up with our own trademark for pictures—the double peace sign!  It’s our signature pose whenever we take pictures together.


How did you guys manage to keep up with your friendship, even during the busy nursing schedule?

AL:  I’m telling you, this girl [AWN] was my savior last year for classes!  I honestly don’t know what I would do without her.  She would remind me about different exams, clinicals, and other important nursing things going on whenever I was running around constantly—she would even make me coffee in her room at 5:00 in the morning.  How sweet is that?!

AWN:  Well not only that, but we did sit right next to each other during our nursing classes.  The teachers thought it was both funny and cute that we sat next to each other—again, double Andrée!



Why did you want to pursue nursing, and where do you see yourself with it after graduation?

AL:  When I was a junior in high school, I originally wanted to move to Africa and do mission work with nursing, providing service to the children that needed medical attention right away.  As of right now, I’m still deciding where to go with my nursing experience and find what setting would fit best for me.

AWN:  This is scary!  I also wanted to be a nurse ever since my junior year of high school too!  I went to Africa this summer with some other Saint Mary’s students and provided medical care to those in need.  I absolutely loved it, and I would love to be back there.  Honestly, I’m still deciding as well with what path I should go down for nursing, but I’m looking forward to my rounds of clinicals to gain more experience.


Anything else we should know about you?

AWN:  We’re both probably the biggest Taylor Swift fans here.  I just love her so much!  She’s so great in her concerts.

AL:  I definitely agree!  I adore her, and I just love her music.  Andrée and I both wear pearl earrings, and we hardly ever change them if we do.

AWN:  Oh, and we also taught our moms the double peace sign pose during Junior Mom’s weekend!  It was hilarious and we all loved it!

AL:  And one more thing:  #everybodylovesthedress #jk #wejustloveourselves


Thanks, ladies!  Stay cute ;)

I'm a senior Saint Mary's College from Hammond, IN that's an avid sports fan and a self-certified Netflix enthusiast ;) I'm majoring in Biology with a double minor in Philosophy and Gender & Women's Studies. I love meeting new people and making others laugh, which I hope to do so when I write for Her Campus SMC :)
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's