If you haven’t heard, Pope Francis will be stepping on American soil for the first time in just a couple of weeks. This is a HUGE deal because he is only the fourth Pope to do so. He will be spending time in Washington D.C, New York City, and Philadelphia. This trip will definitely be one for the books. Now I don’t know about you, but I am very excited. Mainly because I just love Pope Francis, or Papa Francesco as I like to call him. My excitement also comes from a very cool opportunity I have because of his visit.
When you watch the news, most of the stories that are shown feature bad that is happening all around us. It is very easy to get caught up in all of the bad and lose sight of what is important in life. Despite what we see, good is winning. And that is the message that I want to share. At the beginning of the August, I found out that I had been selected to be a member of the PopeIsHope Digital Street Team. The PopeisHope Digital Street Team is comprised of digital media savvy millennials who want to engage in conversations around faith, social justice, joy and acts of goodness spurred on by Pope Francis’ U.S. Visit. Some of us will be on-site and some of us will be documenting how #goodiswinning in our hometowns and across the country. Wherever the action is, our team will be there to document and ignite the millennial voices.
I want to bring the #goodiswinning campaign right here to Saint Mary’s and Notre Dame. Our campus is filled with amazing people who make it their mission to spread love. In the upcoming weeks, I will be featuring people and clubs from both campuses that already prove good is winning. I also want to encourage everyone to use the hashtag and post their own moments of good from their everyday lives. Whether it is a random act of kindness, compliments received from a stranger, or just something that makes you happy, share it on your social media accounts and tell the world. Also, try to be the good in someone else’s day. In the words of Taylor Swift, “No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”
If you want to see my features or have an idea for the campaign, feel free to reach out to me! I will be around campus and I might even have some free swag to give out. You can follow me on instagram (@Kellyv7), which is where my posts will be. Also search #goodiswinning and you will see all of the other amazing stories of good. I can’t wait to see what you all have to share!
Be sure to follow HCSMC on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest!
Interested in writing for or being apart of HCSMC?
E-mail hannahdrinkall@hercampus.com or thereseburke@hercampus.com for inquiries!