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Great Lines To Get Away From That Creepy Guy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

We’ve all been there: all you want to do is dance with your friends, have some fun, and all of a sudden this guy comes along and is just a little too pushy for your attention. He might not realize what he’s doing, but he’s not getting your “please leave me alone” vibe. You’re not the kind of person to say, “I’m not interested,” or, you said it and your words just aren’t sinking in. Maybe you look over and see a fellow gal having this interaction, and it makes you squirm. You want to get away or help out, but how? 

It can help to make a plan with your friends before you go out, “If I say ___, that means, I’m trying to get away, or we need to go.” Other times, like when you don’t know the girl, there’s no time for a plan. If you find yourself in this kind of situation, maybe you should try using one of these lines paired with one wide eyed look to your gal pal to distract the guy and slyly slip away, or discreetly help a girl out of an uncomfortable situation.

“I want some Taco Bell. Jenny, do you want some Taco Bell?”

It’s always easier to get away when you become a part of a group. By grabbing a friend, you become a force that’s difficult for a guy to beat. You may not want to head there now, but no one can question the sudden urge for Taco Bell.


“Wow, I really need to go to the bathroom.”

And you know girls never go alone! Finally, a time where a stereotype can help you out rather than irritate you. 


“Oh, crap! My mom’s calling me!”

No one has to really be calling, you can simply press the power button to light up your phone and then quickly hide the screen. Saying you need to slip outside to take the call, while calling a cab instead, is a super smart way to get out of the situation.


“Hey, I think you have something in your teeth. Ewww, you might want to go take care of that.”

While his ego is slightly damaged, and he goes to the bathroom, grab your coat, your friends, and head elsewhere. He’ll be fine, he just might chew more gum that night. 


“Oh, dang! This is my song! Where’s Katie? This is my SONG.”

Obviously, this will only work if there’s music playing, but nothing can stop a group of girls head banging and singing along to their jam. Find your girls, and even if it’s not your favorite, It’ll still have a place in your heart as the song that helped you get away.


“Hey, do you want some gum? I think there’s some in my purse…”

My purse that I left on the other side of the room. Or didn’t bring at all and that I’m now going to pretend is under my coat across the room and leave. 


And if all else fails, just throw them the Jenna Marbles face!

Enough said. 

Remember, ladies, in all seriousness, you can be an active bystander. Whether you distract with one of these lines, or in some other way, directly ask a girl if she’s okay, or delegate someone else to help, you could save a girl from a horrible experience. If you have any more questions, feel free to email Connie Adams at cadams@saintmarys.edu.

GIFs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Mara Irish

Saint Mary's

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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's