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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

We are in the final countdown. Tomorrow Saint Mary’s will welcome all of you to your new home. For all you first years this can be both an exciting and frightening time.  One minute you are dreaming about driving down the Avenue, and the next you are freaking out that your dog will forget who you are by fall break (trust me, he won’t.) Despite how you feel about moving in, every single person has some worries. As a junior this year, I like to think that I have learned a lot not just in the classroom, but also about college in general. It has definitely been some trial and error, but you learn from your mistakes and you move on. To help you out, I have compiled a list of 10 things that you should never worry about.

Hey, it’s ok:

1.     To not be best friends with you roommate(s)

You may or may not know your roommate now, but come Thursday you will share some pretty tight quarters with them. During the first couple of weeks at school, your roommate will be your buddy. She will go with you to the mandatory orientation meetings, sit with you during your first lunch in the DH, and get ready with you for Domerfest. During these first couple of weeks, you will start to realize whether or not you are compatible as friends. Some of you will be lucky and your roommate will quickly become the sister you never had. Others will realize that you will not be standing next to her on her wedding day, and that is ok. There are so many amazing women who will be living all around you. It will not be hard to make friends on a campus as friendly as Saint Mary’s is. Work through your problems.  As long as you are cordial to each other, sharing a room will not be that big of a deal. Be respectful. And before you know it, you will be picking out decorations with your best friend for you new room sophomore year.

2.     To miss home.

For most of you, college will be the first time you leave your childhood home. There will be days where you are having so much fun and are way too busy to even think about what you left behind and there will be days where all you want is a hug from your mom. No matter the day, know that you are not alone. Almost everyone at some point will miss her home. There where days that I would cry, and then put on a brave face to my new friends not wanting to show how sad I was. What I learned later on is that most of my friends freshman year had days that were the same way. Open up to someone. Chances are they are feeling the same way. Having someone by your side will make the sadness way more bearable. Also, call your parents. They miss you 10x more than you miss them.

3.     To want some alone time.

Living in dorms will be a very new experience. You will be surrounded by people all the time, even if you live in a single. There will be times where all you will want is to have your own room again. The best solutions to this are to go for a walk or find a room anywhere on campus that isn’t occupied (I promise you will find one somewhere). You will feel much better once you find some peace and quiet.

4.     To like going to an all women’s college. 

If you are anything like me, you might receive some grief from your friends back home about going to an all women’s college. Before I arrived to campus I usually agreed with their concerns. After two years, I could not imagine it any other way. You will learn for yourself all of the many benefits of single sex education.  And in the words of my friend Kate, “Don’t worry, there will be plenty of boys.”

5.     To still be in a relationship with your high school boyfriend.

I did not go to school while in a relationship, but I know a handful of girls who did. For some it worked out, and for others they decided it was best for them to part ways. Regardless of how it turns out, you will not be the only one with a boyfriend. Who knows, maybe one day you will marry your high school sweetheart.

6.     To be single.

Again, you will not be the only one. Also, please refer to Kate’s quote in number 4 with any other concerns.

7.     To get to know your professors.

Your professors are there for you.  They want to know you as a person, not just a name on their class list. This is one of the benefits of going to a small school. Go to their office hours. Introduce yourself. They are a key ingredient to your success at Saint Mary’s. They really do care about you. Nothing says that more than when you walk into your 8am final and your professor has brought a whole breakfast spread for you (Thanks Professor Stoddart!)

8.     To sign up for 10 clubs at the activities fair.

Activities night is intense. There will be free t-shirts, candy, and ping pong balls. Every club is looking for new members. Sign up for as many as you want! You will get a lot of emails, but you will be able to pick which clubs you actually pursue and which you would rather not. The most important thing is that you are getting involved. Also clubs are a great way to meet new people!

9.     To try new things.

You are independent now. College is where you really begin to develop into the person that you want to be. New experiences are how you learn. So put yourself out there. Take chances. You may discover your new passion in life.

10. To love Saint Mary’s.

Welcome class of 2019, we are so excited to meet you. And never forget: Once a belle, always a belle. 


Photos provided by author

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E-mail hannahdrinkall@hercampus.com or thereseburke@hercampus.com for inquiries!

Junior psychology major at Saint Mary's College. Big fan of going concerts, the color pink, traveling, and dancing like I just don't care. 
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's