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Why Take the GRE Without Plans for Grad School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Saint Mary's chapter.

The GRE, or the Graduate Records Examination, is a requirement for most grad schools. I took it without knowing whether I was going to apply to grad school and without much studying. The latter is likely because of the former. Why study for something that could very well not affect my future? Why even take it? That being said, I have some advice for others in my situation… Take the GRE anyway.

You should probably also study for it, but all I did was cram a few days ahead of time so don’t follow my lead there. But if you’re unsure about applying for grad school, you may be doubtful about paying a $200 fee to take a four hour test that may very well be pointless. Take it anyways.

As a Junior or Senior in college, you have the entire world ahead of you. There are so many opportunities open, and you can work hard enough to take advantage of them. But as great as that sounds, it’s also equal parts confusing and terrifying. It’s hard to work towards something that’s not guaranteed. Especially since the last 16 years of your life have been going to school, sure that the next year would consist of yet more school. It could get annoying at times, but it was also comforting to know that big life decisions wouldn’t have to be made yet. (This could also be a reason for attending grad school, to avoid being a true adult a little bit longer.)

Lack of guarantees aside, there may be other reasons why attending grad school isn’t for you. Maybe you landed a job, one that you have to take now. Maybe you want to get married and start a family right away. (Not that you couldn’t do these things in correlation with grad school, but it would be more than a little difficult.)

Or maybe, like me, you’re just not sure. There are too many options or you don’t know if you can be an adult yet or you’re just plain scared. Whatever the reason, doubt and anxiety are ruling your life. But if you’re not ready to make the decision right now, it’s important to prepare in case you do want to attend grad school later. After all, that GRE score lasts for five years, and you can always retake it if you’re unhappy with your score, if you know you can do better. So take the GRE, put some effort into it, and it’ll be one less thing to worry about, whether you attend grad school next year, or the year after that, or ultimately decide not to go at all. 


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Emma Brousseau

Saint Mary's

Emma Brousseau is a senior at Saint Mary’s College in Notre Dame, IN. She's majoring in Psychology with a minor in Biology. Within the next few years, she hopes to become a researcher in behavioral neuroscience. Or a writer.  We'll see how it goes. (Track her progress at writingbeforebreakfast.wordpress.com). In her free time, Emma likes to read, travel, and cross-stitch. But not all at once. Puns, however, can be enjoyed at all hours of the day, in conjunction with any activity. You can contact her at:Email: ebrous01@saintmarys.eduTwitter: @Emma_BrousseauTumblr: emmakathrynbrousseau.tumblr.comBlogs: writingbeforebreakfast.wordpress.com and irishiwastraveling.wordpress.com
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Therese Burke

Saint Mary's