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Culture > Entertainment

How Nipsey Hussle’s Legacy Transcended Rap Music

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Salisbury chapter.

The black community took an extremely devastating loss on March 31st with the untimely demise of well known rapper, Nipsey Hussle. Hussle was killed at the age of 33 in the parking lot of his clothing store on Crenshaw and Slauson, in same community he was trying so selflessly to rebuild. He left behind his daughter, son, and his longtime girlfriend, Lauren London.


I personally have never been a fan of his music, not because I listened to it and didn’t care for it but because I never actually gave it a chance. Nipsey Hussle is one of those artists that everyone just knows. As more and more celebrities took to social media to express their condolences, outcries, and personal stories they shared with the late artist, I quickly realized he was way more than a rapper, he was an activist.


Almost two weeks after his death, the more research I do on the life he lived,  the more I notice that he was very different from the rest. He strived to use his music to encourage, and was always giving back whenever and wherever he could.


He stressed the importance of investing in yourself and eradicating gang violence, as well as creating opportunities for people who weren’t fortunate enough. In March of 2018, Hussle launched a STEM center in the LA Crenshaw district to give kids an outlet and expose them to opportunities that would help them realize there is more to get involved in other than gangs and violence.


In the interview Hussle did with the Los Angeles Times he says, “I just want to give back in an effective way. I remember being young and really having the best intentions and not being met on my efforts. You’re, like, ‘I’m going to really lock into my goals and my passion and my talents’ but you see no industry support. You see no structures or infrastructure built and you get a little frustrated.”


With all the heartfelt stories shared by friends and fans it was easy to see that Nipsey Hussle was a very down-to-earth guy that wanted the best for everyone. His death is a very real and tragic reminder that everyone is mortal and this life is only temporary, so do all the good that you can while you can. I can only hope that his story inspires black boys and girls to dream big and stay ambitious.  


Irene Senaya

Salisbury '20

Nadia Williams is a senior studying Political Science, Communications and French at Salisbury University. She enjoys writing about policy, media and culture. She hopes to use journalism as a tool to empower others to play an active role in their communities.