Name:Â Robert Bermudez
Age:Â 21
Year:Â Senior
Major:Â Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts
Hometown:Â El Cerrito, CA
Relationship Status?
– Single
How would you describe your personality?
– Easy-going and laid back. It’s weird saying positive things about myself; it feels like bragging.
How does it feel being picked as campus cutie?
– Confusing
What’s something people might not know about you?
– Everyone knows I am a big sports fan. But I am really afraid of rodents.
What kind of music do you love?
– Classical rock
What is the most attractive thing you find in a girl/guy?
– I admire a beautiful face.
Biggest pet peeve?
– People who root for a sports team I don’t like, meaning if you’re Angels, Mariners and Rangers, or Seehawks, Partriort, Redsock, Lakers…
– Be kind to everyone.
Do you have a preference on what kind of girl you would go for?
– Someone who’s kind and have similar interests as me.
What are your interests?
– Sports, food, movies (all kinds), and the gym.
Blondes or brunettes?
– Doesn’t matter.
If you turned into a woman, how would you spend your day?
– Watching sports!
What is the most romantic thing you did for a girl?
– Most romantic thing I did is I made a surprise visit to be past girlfriend. I surprised her by driving down and getting her a gift.
Ideal first date?
– Ideal first date? A’s game, delicious pizza, aaannnndddd good conversation.
Does she need to love sports?
– If she’s a good person, she doesn’t need to but it would be awesome if she did.
Ideal place to travel or live in?
– It’s got to be Italy
Would you rather:
Have a girl who’s a friend or girlfriend?
– A girl who’s a friend.
Usual spot you hang out at on campus or off campus?
– On campus, the pub. Off campus other than my house, would be Santa Cruz.
What would you do if a girl randomly sat on you? Like on muni some girl sits on you? If lying down, sits on face?
– I would say “hello, what is your name and why are you on my lap?” I wouldn’t be rude about it but I would be really confused.
Would you rather:
Eat live hamsters for the rest of your life or poop live hamsters for the rest of your life?
– Poop live hamsters.
Superman or Batman?
– Batman.
Kiss a girl or be kissed by the girl?
– Be kissed by the girl.
Sleep in your parents’ bed every night or weep every time someone tells a joke in front of you?
– I would cry. I would be crying either way if I had to sleep in my parents’ bed.
Be lost in the woods at night or stuck in a haunted house at night?
– I would say woods.
Never touch a computer again or never touch the opposite sex again?
– Never touch a computer again.
Have a college/university named after you or have a sports stadium named after you?
– Stadium!
Have it always be day or have it always be night?
– Night. I like nighttime because it’s really relaxing and therapeutic. It would also be a lot cooler.
Be invincible or be invisible?
– Invisible because I don’t want to live forever.Â