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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

The fashion industry. Constantly changing– ever exciting but is sometimes confusing. Fashion trends are hard to keep up with, after all “trends” aren’t usually patterns that last forever. They come and go, such as a certain trend resurfacing after 20 years. Scrunchies and leg warmers are great examples of trends coming back in the last few years. So, how do we keep up with the trends? How do we know what “trendy” is or what is “last season?” 

Here are some upcoming Fall trends to watch out for according to Vogue and Forbes this 2022 season: 

Cargo Pants ~ can be coupled with a cute tank top and some classic sneakers!

6kJ7UftS1hFV9ZrHkFui5QzScxnq6 u74oXzw3fU Jeg2UdY4AvSJzGjIhUHQrBvniBCwpWs5aWP76wq1W8mAFHHYC69Et8e2y7eEUK65cDENj BDxJziUnumhigCnDH5F8g5e032oEQe u3yKl SFkcXl48R1DAkfFQGhWep3iGonua61 u9RXfA

qrIFfEGFfmx3TeC5AFZHZKszZdQy18qTN3ngIjNlAUG9QP ZNxzll irO7YkoWoV2KxWQQJeW twureVJnLIllSIUYp3wAJ2 8mQIpHA7gJVWk2qJ4cEMjOp8MC8UYZAxeVaz8BfUffxs6b Ucza66Ec5VDb94mH4tloUwp9CArGU rsBo0SM5z8g

Puffer Coats/Jackets ~ can be coupled with corduroy jeans and stylish accessories like a scarf! 

AauylBUSbYcEn4u nTDyYq jZWwWX4vWOkb0Ab mUy 5gbdDUYZAHR4tV vB06ydkEyPv3WfS6X f8Km3u9ko ld3dpAeA0CQ4oZhN8yPrQbjjjWcLw2p5lP1q aS0fSMIpzzzkDe9zHG1pqV5gGnZshKkeWXMIPPsPeXj3r u9eZKvqsJfaR QMTQ

XA3TRkoIymYtTgXL14e61UbP5 PQ6Xzw pK8Wl8Mnw24x9z01bngVXGITdkCKkNhZgUhNKOd0c20L jaaYBHz9dmGhR0AR51JOtBsOLTAqOBjbL2XbogKG78sywBdTswhzppVLfg9HTg 5yKKOH6qJQ0PQpL24WSf cQK UgYUGKDBjLBazci7zHcA

Boots (low and high) ~ can be coupled with some leggings, a cozy sweater, and fuzzy socks!

Q9HI5WOkaJwj2lEmgrmsVZ0aj4rLhF0TqpQ3hya0nknE4iqw 2PSZwBNq2afhzVBydnzCEu2vYyZH6Jr6AuT8VGUAoB

Clogs/Loafers ~ can be coupled with (clogs) a babydoll dress, sweater, and tights, or (loafers) a comfy/sleepy outfit!

GkxXGM5Y4gQSzcFYACMj2M9DHS5XPlF58PCHnxE9GVGJAZnMnLPCS3oqIVmc5jYQsyysJq4Yoc X512nme YlhVQS3mkVVYChwaGbXBcFbcfk9HU NeRjreHur8QAzJRae9CGOMGF6pOhTIWBsXPsYary27m N63rR5wHwaJDXFweJZWekPuRE275w

vFDQomPu9NZFjC41ZcxdrIwBl Z3XxETkYmrGkklfohzC9RybxepUhuswaSW6RZwPjrKRWIfoiFJimDPq8e lBRDaQmcE9sThVNdCd4WvjvpM0U5dBarn3i55Cg1KsOA8SY1KZu0ZckcYljioUWC6B 9 UlDmT7ChNLskOhZUGeiX271LhsS7lUP7Q

Cardigans (oversized especially) ~ can be coupled with light-washed jeans and some Docs!

7zRWcODSF1k7lDv6Dr8la 3S9zH1nk8W0tmVsSzTw v5dwIUimdQd v6NIzYRaJ1bvjPKlPGETv6 QLbB5w4zMcbT92OH6CTcacbNUIijErDQObzAvsJ tyTh XL SPaZXELu

RMG4rcgN6X9VE8oPik1D5t960WIYnPubBiUOLrg1OvI1fh1ddy6znF60cal8lPByER082OXNUHR18YafrE6w9VHGLxog8gpWNL8qdKmdujsUpQk2WzrE1GS6cqiEquz6xVdUoUi36SUSf80i4S1p 6d2U9MNLCJeOT6nZjp4VcKYwH2DrnAKKgGq1Q

(Sweater) Vests ~ can be coupled with a long sleeved shirt, straight legged pants, and some low-top sneakers!

0AR2O8RFrdBaJ cQe557cLum7ZbxpqDk1zn8fkGSjRALVLOZ1W wHUCq9B1YhZYq6 wq11lO8vrinlsZshgZEip9cMqmHTeu4f1lI7p1N2cs0WTvCPw0iratP4YR0 bNXeQdBgQWdEk7qu96Bw7kGSGMtelEu2bShIpNnYiakumR1jAuqqt m41qQ

odnV7o587OlPzpkWtj3KM6sXDEvom8HymB7TXilPB3xUA47VmM5Z1SPlvWB9YG73xeZ8tQ3mY14dfZ09fHdsWgzot3MKgoDl 43F6NdiGQ017qqnGaO2CASGPX6zU06JtaPNDKhhehFUZWMxspVkZFNWWmmvfzVr8FsqA fr K5S7QVw9dtHvKGoMw

Straight Leg Pants ~ can be coupled with just about anything, especially a blazer and low hanging top!

DRmnYm7mGs6voaS17pFlHkChWJztOXlzZcUAooGu97X4ATbDDRJ8eWMPUqSEw8nBWsOW48vrerzA5ypBjrt8MKLU26WHTabk jYCVNZAh7 WWs0RTDu6Argb3pnJ1ADnM 3JnXIDpg

With these few fashion ideas, you can really keep up with the trends. As well as try and spice it up this Fall with some fun, new, stylish outfits!

Kaitlyn Cassidy

San Francisco '26

hi my name is kaitlyn and I am first year at SFSU! :)