Her Campus chapters are everywhere. Two of the schools that both have her campus chapters are California Lutheran University and Loyola Marymount University. Both are relatively small religious schools, and both of these people very close to me. My sister, Ani, goes to California Lutheran University, and my friend, Allie, goes to Loyola Marymount University. I decided to see how they like their chapters of Her Campus.
Allie of Loyola Marymount University (left) and Ani of California Lutheran University (right).
What chapter of Her Campus are you in?
Ani: California Lutheran University
Allie: Loyola Marymount University
How long have you been in Her Campus?
Ani: Almost two semesters.
Allie: Close to two years.
What is your role in Her Campus?
Ani: Social Media Team
Allie: Marketing Director
What do your roles entail?
Ani: I share articles on our social media platforms and try to get people aware of our chapter.
Allie: I do publicity for any events and try and recruit more members.
How many girls are in your chapter?
Ani: About 100.
Allie: About 20.
What have you gained from joining her campus?
Ani: I have made new friends and meet some amazing girls who are passionate about what they do.
Allie: I felt more a part of campus and it made me more confident in creativity.
Any advice to anyone who is thinking of joining Her Campus?
Ani: I would say just got for it! It’s a great way to meet people and learn how to be apart of a team.
Allie: I would also say just go for it! In addition to making new friends it’s a great way to learn more skills for a future career.