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I’m Still Working on Creating a Healthy Morning Routine in College (And That’s Okay)

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

The key to a good morning routine is consistency. Not only does having a routine, no matter how small, important to start off the day in the best way possible. Somewhat like manifestation, it sets the tone and intention for the day, and helps shift oneā€™s mindset in a more positive direction.Ā 

A Solid Morning Routine Starts The Night Before, Babe

A good start to any successful morning routine, actually begins with the night prior. No matter if you are someone who needs a solid 8 hours of sleep a night (like me!) or if you are someone who can get by on less, feeling rested is essential to functioning and being able to focus, especially as a student.Ā 

Give yourself time to eat something, get water (and caffeine, if you need it!) in your system, and most importantly, give yourself time. That of course looks different for everyone – if you enjoy a small run or workout in the early hours, give yourself the capacity to wake up early enough to do that. If you prefer to spend some extra moments doing your skincare and make-up to feel ready to tackle the day, give yourself ample time for that.Ā 

Finish That ā€˜To Doā€™ ListĀ 

Personally, I cannot go to bed if I know something urgent needs to be done – that could be anything pertaining to work or school work. I also donā€™t like going to sleep if I have some cleaning up to do around the house. It creates a brain fog that disrupts my sleep, and so I prefer to get whatever I can do (realistically), if I am home early enough and have a bit of time before it gets to be too late.Ā 

We All Hit The Snooze Button Sometimes

In the mornings, I have multiple alarms set just on the off-chance that I will hit snooze one too many times, and then I first go feed my cat, and give her the first of two doses of her daily medicine. Afterwards, I wash, get dressed, and then make sure I have everything I need before rushing out the door.I have a long commute, so most of my morning is checking both the weather in all areas that I plan to be in for that day, and also checking the traffic so I can gauge ahead of time if I can take 101, or I should go on 280 instead.Ā 

I try to give myself at least 15 minutes if not moreĀ  to get to class once I am on campus – and if I am early, even better. Recently, since I have had morning classes, I put less emphasis on my appearance and make-up, and more on getting rested, getting everything done, and getting to campus on time. As all things, my morning routine is a work in progress, and that is okay! I try to put forth positive affirmations and intuition with each thing I do, and I am certain that as I evolve, so will my morning routine. The main takeaway, however, is that the more you can do to prepare yourself ahead of time, whether that be by figuring out an outfit the night before, getting your space/house clean so you donā€™t have to deal with it after the fact, or giving yourself those extra few minutes for your commute or walk to class, the more you will thank yourself later on.Ā 

Itā€™s okay to not have it all figured out, but experimenting with different routines can help you figure out what works for you, and what doesnā€™t. Trust the process, and trust yourself.Ā 

Vera Maksymiuk

San Francisco '24

English major who is passionate about poetry, literature, pop culture, art, fashion, music, world news and politics :)