Name: Nicole Reynoso
Grad Year: 2014
Hometown: Manteca, California
Major: Business Management
Relationship Status: Single
1. Describe yourself in three words: Quirky, Energetic, and Blessed.
2. What are your hobbies/interests? Live music, painting, yoga, roaming, and dancing.
3. What do you look for in a guy? A guy that cannot only handle my sense of humor, but also humor me with a great smile.
4. What’s your ideal date? Picnicking on the beach and a night out in the city involving bowling or roller skating.
5. Where’s your favorite place to eat in SF? Ike’s Place, most definitely. Sushi Raw and Kevin’s Noodle House are close runner-ups.
6. What’s your ideal “Night out in the City”? I find doing absolutely anything in the city is fun for me. Roaming and enjoying the view from the top wouldn’t be half bad.
7. Do you approve of the saying “Hella”? Very much so.
8. What do you want to do with your degree after school? Ideally, I’m hoping to travel and see the world before I settle down and start my career.
9. Where can we find you on campus? I’m usually in the library, being scholarly.