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Peet’s Coffee & Tea Arrives at SFSU Library!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

     As every SF State student has already probably recognized, we have been graced with a beautiful new library full of new places to hide out and get work done; and what goes better with a long day of studying than a nice, fresh cup of Peet’s coffee? Well students on this campus are finally in luck, for Peet’s has taken up residence right inside of our the new library, providing students caffeine and pastries to keep them satisfied while working.     

      Sure, the campus has a multitude of places to get a fresh cup of joe, but none are as close as Peet’s is, sitting right at the entrance of the  library.           Photo by Jessica Schimm    

            “I like how convenient it is,” says freshman, Noelle Hori. “It’s really hard to deny a cup of coffee when it’s right there when I’m about to start studying.”
            Students also enjoy that we have a coffee house on campus now that is well known to people outside of the SF State community.
            “Café Rosso and Café 101 are really good, but it’s kind of cool that we have a Peet’s now,” says sophomore student, Gina Norman.
            People are excited about the new developments being made on campus, and Peet’s is just one of the shining stars that is making our campus more appealing for students.

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Jessica Schimm

San Francisco

Jessica is journalism major finishing her senior year at San Francisco State University. She founded and lead San Francisco State’s Her Campus branch as Editor-in-Chief for two semesters and now helps run it as managing editor due to other internships responsibilities.  Her passion for magazine and online journalism has led her current online internships at 7x7 and California Home & Design magazines in San Francisco. She also was the social media editor for her award-winning college paper last semester.When Jessica is not working hard in school she spends her time working on her blog, Women Who Run San Francisco and cheering on the San Francisco Giants (world series champs!!). Having been a competitive Irish dancer for 15 years, she knows that it takes practice, hard work and determination to meet her goals. It is through these qualities that she plans to become editor-in-chief at a leading women’s magazine.