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A Recipe for Making Your Long Distance Relationship Last

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Long-distance can be one of the toughest situations a relationship can be put through. Whether you are hours or thousands of miles apart, all long-distance relationships go through similar trials and tribulations. This is especially the case in college, while you are both away and living completely separate lives.

So what do you do? How do you salvage something that you are putting all your heart into and how do you keep the love alive while miles apart?       

All you long-distancers probably do some of these activities already, but this list of ingredients will add some extra spice in your routine and will help keep your love life alive.


Number 1: Scheduling phone calls

Set a time in both of your busy schedules to have an actual phone conversation –yes, no typing involved, just the sweet sounds of your voices. This is a much better option than
texting and should probably be your first option. If both of your schedules are busy you can always routinely call him or her on your way to class, for a morning or afternoon update, but before bed is always the best time -if you can do it- in order to get a complete wrap up of the day, the pits and the peaks. 

Number 2: Skype.

With technology we are given the wonderful tool of Skype.  Skype is a relationship savior allowing people to connect face to face. A lot of long-distance couples make Skype dates where they will plan a specific time to log onto Skype and converse.

To get the most intimacy from Skype, try to use a room with the least amount of distractions that’s brightly lit, grab your headphones and settle into a comfy chair or couch.

To spice up your Skype dates, plan to dress nicely with your significant other, share a nice meal together or watch a movie while still on Skype.  This tool is essential to making long-distance last.

Number 3: Text tag

Cell phones allow couples to not only call each other anytime, any place, but they allow you to shoot texts to one another at all hours of the day. Send your significant other a simple ‘I love you’ or “I miss you’ throughout the day. Remember the simple things like that are why long-distance relationships can last for so long

Or to keep things light and entertaining, play a bit of “text tag” -the story version.  One partner sends the begining of a story and then leaves it up to the other partner to add on to it.  This goes on throughout the day, without pressure to respond right away.  The suspense, humor and potentially sexiness of your texts can make an average day much more manageable.

Number 4: Hand-written letters.

 If you aren’t into the whole technology aspect, or want to reach your significant other on a whole other level, sending hand-written letters is the best way to go. Texting often limits everything you can say so feelings and thoughts get cut short.

Even your handwriting displays your personality in a completely authentic way. So take a few hours next Thursday evening to turn on that romantic play-list, get a piece of paper and just let loose with a pen and your thoughts. Hand-written letters should be a must for birthdays and special holidays.

Long-distance relationships can be extremely difficult, but if you practice these steps regularly, they can make your relationship that much better.  Just remember, it will all be worth it in the end.

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Jessica Schimm

San Francisco

Jessica is journalism major finishing her senior year at San Francisco State University. She founded and lead San Francisco State’s Her Campus branch as Editor-in-Chief for two semesters and now helps run it as managing editor due to other internships responsibilities.  Her passion for magazine and online journalism has led her current online internships at 7x7 and California Home & Design magazines in San Francisco. She also was the social media editor for her award-winning college paper last semester.When Jessica is not working hard in school she spends her time working on her blog, Women Who Run San Francisco and cheering on the San Francisco Giants (world series champs!!). Having been a competitive Irish dancer for 15 years, she knows that it takes practice, hard work and determination to meet her goals. It is through these qualities that she plans to become editor-in-chief at a leading women’s magazine.