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Spring Cleaning For Your Smartphone: The Best Apps to Help You Organize Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Spring has finally arrived and it’s time to reorganize your life! -We’re not talking about reorganizing your messy
drawers either.  We are talking about reorganizing your smartphones to help you stay on top of your busy schedule.
Let’s face it, we’ve all forgotten that one homework assignment, our grocery list, and even our camera from time to time, but these apps are designed to help even the busiest collegiette stay on top of her life. 

#1. Schedule Planner
  A good planner is a must for all of us busy collegiettes who live life on the go. The app “Schedule Planner” is perfect, as it provides lists, charts and calendars to keep your busy life under control. It’s free through the iTunes store and very easy to use.


#2 Reminders
   The iPhone actually comes with the app “Reminders” which is a wonderful way to make a to do list for all the things you need to remember throughout the day. You can type in each thing that you need to remember and once you complete the task it allows you to check it off. The best thing about this app is that it is also free because it is already installed in the iPhone!


#3. Grocery List

    How many times have you gone to the grocery store and realized you’ve forgotten your list? We have your solution! The app “Grocery List” is the best way to keep all of your grocery needs in one place. It is another free app through the iTunes store and color-codes each item you need by what kind of food it is. You can also put in the quantities of what you need for each item!  You can update this list continually, on the bus, waiting in line and any other time you think of something you need.

#4 Travel List
99 ¢
      For big travelers, or even people who take the occasional trip home, “Travel List” is a wonderful way to help you remember every item you need to pack. The app is about ninety-nine cents on the iTunes store and allows the user to put the date of their trips in the phone.  The app, which also connects with your calendar, set alerts for your trip and makes a list of things you need to pack like emergency items, clothing items, and important documents.

        It’s easy to get lost with everything we need to do in our busy schedules, but these apps are just a few of the many within the realm of iTunes that can help you stay on top of your on top of your game in each and every aspect of your life.

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Jessica Schimm

San Francisco

Jessica is journalism major finishing her senior year at San Francisco State University. She founded and lead San Francisco State’s Her Campus branch as Editor-in-Chief for two semesters and now helps run it as managing editor due to other internships responsibilities.  Her passion for magazine and online journalism has led her current online internships at 7x7 and California Home & Design magazines in San Francisco. She also was the social media editor for her award-winning college paper last semester.When Jessica is not working hard in school she spends her time working on her blog, Women Who Run San Francisco and cheering on the San Francisco Giants (world series champs!!). Having been a competitive Irish dancer for 15 years, she knows that it takes practice, hard work and determination to meet her goals. It is through these qualities that she plans to become editor-in-chief at a leading women’s magazine.