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Toya Mayers -President of Alpha Gamma Delta

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at San Francisco chapter.

Toya Mayers is one busy lady. A senior at San Francisco State University, this 21-year-old is balancing a part-time job at Sephora, finishing a degree in Biology and as of last December, took the intensive position as president of the San Francisco State Sorority Alpha Gamma Delta.

At 17, Mayers came to State, and like many college freshmen, came on her own.

“I didn’t know anyone at SF State,” she said. “I was the only one from my high school that came up to San Francisco and even though you live on campus it’s not easy to make friends.”

Not knowing where to turn next, she learned a little bit more about Greek life at State and decided to join in.

Although Greek life has a bad reputation, Mayers has found it incredibly beneficial and valuable throughout her college years.

“My favorite part of AGD is the sisterhood. As cliché as that sounds, it truly is the factor that kept me around,” she said.

It is clear that Mayers really is passionate about the organization and the girls in it. She feels that joining AGD and getting to know/befriending girls from a variety of different backgrounds has made her a better person.

“Sisterhood is something that cannot be faked,” Mayers said. “From day one I’ve never felt more at home then when I am with these girls.”

Now that Mayers has such a significant position, she is finding that there is a lot more to it then she though before.

“Being president is a lot of work,” she said. “I truly had no idea how much work went into it until I became one.”

Mayers compares her work to that of a full-time job, saying that there is never a time when she is not dealing with a new issue or helping out a member in one way or another.

To relax, Mayers says she looks at her responsibilities as more of a hobby than a chore. She keeps a good attitude and has a very approachable personality when it comes to handling members.

“I’ve made it my goal to be open to every member whenever they need me no matter what I going on in my life,” Mayers said.

Mayers encourages others to join a sorority for all of the wonderful things collegiettes can get out of them.

“The benefits of joining an NPC [National Panhellenic Council] sorority are limitless,” she said. “No matter the organization, you are able to meet so many new people and form bonds you would probably never have without the organization. I’ve met a lot of amazing people from Alpha Phi and Phi Sigma Sigma as well and becoming friends with them has only made my life even better.”

She urges anyone and everyone to joining organizations, saying that nothing but positive changes will be made within your life for doing so.

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Jessica Schimm

San Francisco

Jessica is journalism major finishing her senior year at San Francisco State University. She founded and lead San Francisco State’s Her Campus branch as Editor-in-Chief for two semesters and now helps run it as managing editor due to other internships responsibilities.  Her passion for magazine and online journalism has led her current online internships at 7x7 and California Home & Design magazines in San Francisco. She also was the social media editor for her award-winning college paper last semester.When Jessica is not working hard in school she spends her time working on her blog, Women Who Run San Francisco and cheering on the San Francisco Giants (world series champs!!). Having been a competitive Irish dancer for 15 years, she knows that it takes practice, hard work and determination to meet her goals. It is through these qualities that she plans to become editor-in-chief at a leading women’s magazine.