Hello San Francisco!
It is now December and we have reached that time at the end of the semester when everybody begind to get sick. I unfortunately an already sick and bare to share the burdon with many other that feel the sma pain I currently do. So, for those that are currently sick and/or bed ridden, follow these sickly regimens and you will survive finals week! Keep in mind these are only some of suggestions you can do while you’re sick
1) Night Before: A little trick that my mom always told me to do whenever I got sick, especially at a young age, was to always cover your neck with something warm. In this case it was always: grab some VaporRub, rub it all over your neck and wrap a warm semi-damp towellete around your neck. This way the natural pores of your body will abosord the icy-hot sensation of the vapor run as well as open your sinuses. That way you can sleep confortably through the night and not keep up your roommates with constant coughingÂ
2) In the morning: First thing you do when you wake up is, no matter how you’re feeling, drink dayquil so you wont have a coughing attack throughout the first half of the day. Remember to take it every 4 hours as needed and drink plently of liquid (e.g. water, orange juice, gatorade)
3) Evening or throughout the day: A tip from my mother that aways comes in handy and by far my favorite on this list is to drink warm/hot lemon water with honey. The honey is a natural antioxidants and the honey is just a little added boost to help the immune system regain is power, so to speak.
Therefore, these are only some of the ways to help you survive during finals week if you’re sick or becoming sick! Remember to stay warm, bundled up and enjoy these wonderfull holidays!