Name: Aaron Sloterdyk
Hometown: Marion, IA
Relationship Status: Single
Year in School: Freshman
Major: Exercise Science, Track 1 PT
Campus Involvement: Intramural sports, Kinesiology Club, Dance Marathon
What others say is my Cutest Quality: My sense of humor, height, and smile
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Movie: Fight Club
Favorite TV Show: Scrubs
Hobbies: Basketball, being with friends, boating, watching movies, gaming, and being outdoors
Dream Job: Getting paid to sleep
Celebrity Crush: Mila Kunis
Perfect First Date: Dinner and taking her out to stargaze
Deal-breaker: Smoking is definitely a deal-breaker
What your favorite pickup line? Did you just fart? Because you’re blowing me away!
Who is your idol? Ted Kepros because he is what I want to be when I get older. He’s a PT, has a private clinic, and teaches at the University of Iowa.
What do you look for in a girl? A cute girl I can have an intelligent conversation with, but can also have fun with. Someone I can just be around and do nothing with.