If you live in the Quad Cities and haven’t had Atomic, you are missing out. Everyone I know tends to order the same drink over and over again because they are scared to try a new drink. Well, I tried every one of them so you don’t have to take the L (Apples 2 Apples). Here are all of the main menu drinks rated from best to worst. Part 2 coming soon with all of the secret drinks…
Sour Patch Kid // 9/10
Capri Sun // 9/10
Purple // 9/10
Aquamarine // 8/10
Sunny Day // 7/10
Pink // 6/10
Blue // 6/10
Pixie Stick // 5/10
Cotton Candy // 5/10
Pool Party // 5/10
Starburst // 4/10
Laffy Taffy // 4/10
Phoenix // 4/10
Rainy Day // 3/10
Ocean Dark // 3/10
Apples 2 Apples // 3/10
Here is their website if you want some more details!!!