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The Best Haunted Spots in the Quad Cities

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

With Halloween approaching in only two weeks, read up on some of the most haunted locations in the area.

Davenport Police Station- Bell Tower

Urban legend states when the station was fairly new, guards would hang prisoners in the bell tower. The bell tower prevented others from finding out what they were doing since they could not hear or see into the bell tower.

On a dark night, some claim if you look up into the bell tower from east, you can see a figure of a man hanging in the first window. Feeling brave? Why don’t you find out for yourself?

Our own Ambrose Hall

Surely most students have heard rumors of the infamous “Ambrose Hall Ghost.” Are these rumors true?

According to legend, professors working late on the fourth floor have had some supernatural experiences. 

Professors have heard strange noises, footsteps, and have seen flickering lights. From the website HauntedHouses.com, an investigation by Iowa Paranormal Advanced Research Team was done on Ambrose Hall in 2007. 

These findings might give you the heebie-jeebies:
• Unexplained moving lights
• Knocking noises throughout the floor
• EVP of a woman’s voice claiming Jesus is not alive
• Reported the smell of incense that is used in the Catholic church
• EVP of a voice whispering “There is something wrong with me”

Kind of creepy, right? Many people debate the actual “haunting” of Ambrose Hall. Some speculate the ghost can be a past priest or even the spirit of a student. Try not to freak out next time you have class in Ambrose hall. You might actually be a witness to one of these supernatural events.

Blackhawk Hotel

The Blackhawk Hotel was built in 1915 and has a lot of history. Blackhawk hotel accommodated some major names like president Richard Nixon, president Herbert Hoover, writer Carl Sandburg, boxer Jack Dempsey, and actor Cary Grant. According to HauntedHouses.com, a woman can be seen floating down the hallways dressed in a blue or red evening gown.

Also, a spirit of a musician is said to fill the ballroom with piano music when the room is empty. Another sighting of the supernatural is a nicely dressed, older man who can be seen doing normal activities around the hotel. Since Cary Grant died in the hotel in 1986, some speculate the entity can be him. Why don’t you check-in to the Blackhawk Hotel this Halloween and see if you too can experience these paranormal happenings!


Mary is a senior at St. Ambrose University majoring in English and journalism. She is originally from Naperville, IL and hopes to one day be back in Chicago. In the past Mary has interned for Sourcebooks, a publishing company in Naperville, and this past year she studied abroad in London and interned at Parliament. She hopes to one day be an editor in publishing at a magazine or at a publishing group like Penguin. Besides being the founding editor of Her Campus St. Ambrose, Mary is also a writing tutor at St. Ambrose. In her free time, she loves to travel, hang out with family and friends, and shop a little bit too much at Gap and J. Crew!