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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

October 31st–Everyone celebrating Halloween in costume, going to haunted houses and carving pumpkins.

November 1st–Christmas trees are put up and decorated, Christmas music played in stores, and every carved pumpkin is thrown in the garbage. 

Why is Christmas coming so early now a days you ask? I am asking myself that same question.

I’m going to be honest..I am a Christmas lover and when Christmas used to come the day after Thanksgiving or even a little before, I would never complain. But the Christmas season starting the morning after Halloween is taking it to a new level. 

Like I said, Christmas time is my favorite time of year and I am guilty of listening to Christmas music and decorating a little too early, but this Christmas in November has gotten ridiculous.

I am a firm believer that some people get into the Christmas spirit so early to annoy their Scruge-like friends. Others celebrate early because they simply love the season and want it to last as long as possible..(me)

But dont even get me started on Black Friday deals. It used to be the stores opening really early on Black Friday, but now Thanksgiving Day turns into families traveling to get the best deal on Christmas gifts. That’s all I’m going to say on that one…

All I’m saying is that we need to ease into a little more. Maybe put the Christmas tree up closer to Thanksgiving, and only listen to Christmas music when you’re alone or in moderation around your friends so you don’t get this question:

SO, how do we deal with this Christmas in November madness? We don’t. We just embrace it and hold off ourselves until we can no longer wait for the Christmas season. If you are guilty of this skipping Thanksgiving and going right to Christmas stuff, that’s ok…We still like you! 

If you made it to the end of this article and are saying “Psh, I’ll listen to Christmas music whenever I want and decorate whenever I want” you are not alone. Because I may or may not be listening to a Christmas song as I write this. 

photo credit: memegenerator.com, google.com

Im Alyssa. I dance and sing for fun (not always well).Im way too sassy for my own good and cant wait to start my career. 
Her Campus at SAU