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Five Ways to be a Happier Bee

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Life can get hard sometimes. It can throw you a curve ball out of no where and knock you right on the floor, but how you react to it is what defines how your day (and life) will go. Here is a list of five things to do when life gets a little too stressful. 


Take time to be by yourself.

Yeah, company is distracting and comforting, but take a walk around campus with some “Walking on Sunshine” in your ears and jam out. Sometimes being alone with your music is the best cure to a stressful day.

Work off the stress.

Take up running around Vanderveer, or if you’re like me and hate running, yoga is worth the shot. Both of those activities are therapeutic and are actually very relaxing. Check out the campus rec schedule for free yoga classes held on campus every week!


Do a good deed and spread kindness.

Offer to help a stranger with their grocery bags or pay someone a compliment. It seems strange, but sometimes making others feel good makes you feel good, too. Besides, it costs nothing to be kind.


Talk it out.

Talk about your issues with someone you trust. If you can’t find comfort in a friend, visit the counseling center on campus and schedule an appointment. College is tough and life can hard sometimes. You’re allowed breakdown as long as you get back up.


Stay positive.

Lastly, surround yourself with positive people. It’s easy to fall into a slump and be a negative Nancy, but it’s no way to live. Positivity is extremely contagious and can change the way you look at things.



GIF Credits: Friends, Michael Scott, Compliment, Exercise, Music