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Getting adjusted to life at SAU: A freshman’s perspective

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

To say my first few weeks at SAU have been wonderful is a blatant lie. I’ve had the “drop out feeling” more times than I can count, when I just want to go back in time and stop myself from even thinking about college. I’ve already had to pull two all-nighters to get my homework done (that’s half my fault, though), and some days getting out of bed, let alone going to class, really does seem like too much effort. And I won’t even get started on all the times I almost called my father and asked him to take me home right away.

But these are all typical student problems. Except for homesickness, I dealt with all of them in high school, too. And really, I’d be lying, too, if I said my first few weeks have been terrible. They haven’t. Not even close. Sure, I’ve spent a lot of time wondering if this is worth the money and if it’s what I really want, but I’ve spent even more time knowing that SAU was a good choice after all. I’ve gotten involved in more groups than I probably should have, but there were too many interesting groups to choose from, groups no one in my high school would have even thought about starting. They’re stressful sometimes, but I enjoy them all, and, cliché as it sounds, they actually have kept me from dwelling too much on my homesickness. And I’ve managed to make great friends (turns out the cheesy ice-breaker events did have a purpose) who I wouldn’t have met otherwise.

Sure, my classes have flat out terrified me sometimes, but they’ve also given me a needed crash course in time management. And of course I’ve gotten homesick, clubs and friends have kept me from thinking about that 24/7. And honestly, as corny as this sounds, I think I’m already a better person for being here. Maybe I shouldn’t say this before midterms strike, but I really do like being at SAU.

I am an exceptionally ordinary Freshman, currently majoring in English and procrastination.