So being a post grad, I obviously have to follow @postgradproblem on Twitter. I thought I might just share with you some of the funny tweets they have and I can so relate with.
“We definitely need to do lunch some time”
“Never really feeling refreshed when returning from vacation”
“I’m going to need a few hours to catch up before I get going here”
“Everything you didn’t do last week during your holiday give up is waiting to greet you on Monday morning”
“What was I working on again?”
“When you have plenty of groceries to make dinner at home but you still hit up a drive-thru”
“I’m getting paid to sit here”
“I don’t know how I’m going to kill 4 hours this afternoon”
“Waking up at 3 am to a text from a wasted college friend”
“When all the affordable stuff on the wedding registry has already been picked over”
“Rush hour commute in the dark”
“There’s donuts in the break room”
“Taking way too long to create your new password”
“In reality, I probably don’t even use my degree”
“Waking up early to go workout then finding an excuse to go back to bed”
So that’s just a sample of the post grad problems. See what you have to look forward to?!