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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

The month of February is black history month and is a nationwide chance to give a platform to a minority that has been pushed down all too long. Fortunately, in recent years, it has become more apparent that we need to listen and lift up black voices to hear their experiences that we don’t experience as white people. However, it is not black people’s responsibility to educate others on their struggles or have to explain every issue they’ve ever faced. Doing your own research is important, as educating yourself is one of the best ways to become a better ally to the black community. 

Reading books such as “Hood Feminism” by Mikki Kendall or “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas can give insights into experiences faced by the Black community. Reading articles about medical struggles that black women face, they are more likely to be ignored or dismissed by medical professionals and can be severely harmed as a result. Lasting wounds from all stereotypes around black pain tolerance and treatment necessities have damaged the medical community.  Also, recognizing how the criminal justice system has disproportionately affected black men and criminalized behaviors that would be dismissed if they were white. The consequences around these actions have extended from the criminal justice system and into the social life of many black communities. 

Aside from doing research, you can also be active in your support by seeking out and buying from black-owned businesses. Organix Soul is an online small business that provides body oils, bath scrubs, soaks, and various scented soaps: all products are paraben-free and all-natural! On Etsy, various businesses are currently being highlighted: for example press on nails, art prints, candles, jewelry are just some of the products that black-owned businesses online are showcasing. Doing some research on local businesses can also be a great way to support people within your own community, and can help grow their business if you share your positive experiences! 

Overall the two most important things to keep in mind are: listen to black voices and don’t make your education their responsibility. Being a better ally will not only benefit those around you but will also increase your social awareness and competence!  

Just a psych major looking to share some words!