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Hunger Week Begins

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

About two weeks ago, Ambrosians for Peace and Justice, a social justice group here, put up posters around campus that contained facts about the recent farm bill. The posters focused specifically on SNAP (food stamps), the program that would be severely defunded by the bill, and that many Americans have lost access to in the government shutdown.  Before the shutdown, however, one in seven Americans participated in the program. Most of those do make income, but not enough to feed their families without assistance.

Next week, APJ will be taking more action against poverty, with the beginning of Hunger Week. This year, they are running the Clothes out Hunger sale,  so named because they will be selling donated clothing outside of the Rogalski center, and running food drives as well. They are relying on students – those who are going home this weekend, that is – to gather items over fall break and donate them to the sale. They will be accepting items from Sunday until Tuesday at the Rogalski center.  On Wednesday next week they will sell the donated clothes. Each item will be a dollar, and anyone who buys five or more items will be entered into a raffle to win prizes, such as gift cards from the bookstore, Greatest Grains, Whitey’s and other local businesses.

The need for such an event is great. Even here in the United States, poverty levels have been rising. Almost 20% of American children live in poverty.  For the population in total, this number is around 16%. In Iowa, the rate is 12.8% for individuals, and all of these numbers will only rise if nothing is done. Obviously, donating food or buying clothing is not enough to eliminate poverty and hunger, even in Davenport alone, but it is a step in the right direction, and it does help. And besides, what college student wouldn’t want cheap clothing?

APJ will accept any donations that are not heavily stained or very torn – basically, anything that can still be worn. They will sell the clothes on Wednesday, October 16th, from 8 am to 5 pm. 

I am an exceptionally ordinary Freshman, currently majoring in English and procrastination.
Her Campus at SAU