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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

On Labor Day, the Fighting Bee Band had their very first parade for this year. And so it was the first parade for many of the freshmen—including myself. I won’t lie and say it wasn’t exhausting, draining, made me want to fall over, but seeing the faces of the children cheering and smiling and all of the adults clapping and yelling our names, it put some fire back into me. After talking with some of the other freshmen it seemed like this was the general consensus among them as well. Overall the parade was a huge success and everyone seemed to enjoy it. 

The Fighting Bee Band 2019-2020 Group Photo
Photo by Amber Meyer
Haley is on the social media team at HC @ SAU. They oversee creating content on social media platforms. Beyond HC, Haley is involved in PRISM, marching band, symphonic band and jazz band. Haley is majoring in pre-music education. In her free time, Haley enjoys writing, music production, creating digital art and talking with their friends. She also loves talking about snails! (They/She)