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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.


            The past two years have flown by. In January 2019, I applied to St. Ambrose after a failed degree choice. The previous college just was not a good fit for me as well. I had been looking for degrees and BSW at St. Ambrose University, just kept popping up on my feed. I had always wanted to do Social Work, but there were just not enough programs in the area at the time. So, I took this as a “when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade,” type of situation. I applied to the school and was super excited when I found out I got in.

Two women looking at laptop
Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

            Mind you I never thought I would go to Ambrose; I have lived forty-five minutes from Ambrose my whole life. I had never thought I would attend here; I am so grateful that I did. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have met my best friend during senior year by living with her. I wouldn’t have met so many amazing people.

Girl sad at night
Photo by Garon Piceli from Pexels

            Look where I am now, I am already starting my post-graduation career as a youth counselor I am moving out of my parents’ house and into an apartment. The last two years has been a great eye opener for me. I grew up in a tiny town about forty-five minutes from Ambrose, so I wasn’t used to the city life. Let me tell you I wasn’t used to the sounds at night. I am used to silence so it was a change for me. I also miss being able to look up at the sky at night and see the stars without interference, but it is nice to have that little piece to go home to.


            I want to thank St. Ambrose University for this experience, but I guess also for the $60,000 in student loan debt. That will be fun to pay off.

Hello! My name is Ashley Ploog! I am a Senior here at Saint Ambrose University! I am in the Bachelors of Social Work program here. Some of my hobbies include working on my books, reading, singing, designing clothing sets on shoplook, and spending time with my goddaughter. I love reading articles and I am so excited to start writing them again!