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Marco Alvarez ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Name: Marco Alvarez

Year: Senior

Relationship Status: Single

Hometown: Forest Park, IL

Major: Strictly Business 

Campus Involvement: Football, avid supporter of the SAU cheerleading and dance team, frequenter of the Student Success Center, Sodexo slammer

Describe yourself in 3 words: nonchalant, open, poetic

Guilty Pleasure: Clash of the Clans

Favorite book: The Art of War

Favorite food: Fried chicken

Favorite superhero: Superman

Favorite Movie: That’s too hard of a question, but if I had to Spanglish

Hobbies: Weight lifting, romancing, dancing, video games

One thing people don’t know about you: That I have a softer side

Dream job: Commander-in-Chief

Idol: Ron Burgundy

Celebrity crush: Erin from The Office

Favorite restaurant in the QC: JJ Fish & Chips

Cook for a girl or be cooked for: Cook for a girl

Favorite spot in the QC: The roof of the Riverside Lofts

Idea of a perfect first date: A cooking class downtown and then maybe I’d surprise her with a carriage ride to a bar with a DJ [not a band], so we could dance all night long

Traits you look for in a girl: Sense of humor, pretty face, cool

Deal Breaker: She doesn’t laugh at any of my jokes

Sexiest thing a girl can wear: Catholic school girl uniform with high socks